
A docker image combining nginx and letsencrypt

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A docker image combining nginx as a reverse proxy and letsencrypt.


The following directory is defined as a volume and should be mounted into a volume container to persist the letsencrypt setting:



The following environment variables are defined:

  • PROXY_MODE (optional): if set to 'dev', the container creates a self-signed certificate. Not for production mode. If set to 'dev' PROXY_CERTBOT_MAIL does not have to be set.
  • PROXY_DOMAIN: The domain used for the certificate.
  • PROXY_HTTP_PORT (optional): The port for the HTTP server
  • PROXY_HTTPS_PORT (optional): The port for the HTTPS server
  • PROXY_CERTBOT_MAIL: The email address for the certbot. Optional if running in dev mode.
  • PROXY_BACKENDS: A space-separated list of the backend hostnames to balance the requests to.
  • PROXY_STATIC_DIRS (optional): a space-separated list of directory names you would like nginx to serve statically.
  • PROXY_AUTH_USER (optional): username to protect access to HTTPS. HTTP is left open and redirects to the HTTPS url.
  • PROXY_AUTH_PASSWORD: password for the user. Required if PROXY_AUTH_USER is set.
  • PROXY_TUNING_UPSTREAM_MAX_CONNS: maximum number of concurrent connections to an upstream server (per server). Default value: 0 (no limits)
  • PROXY_TUNING_WORKER_CONNECTIONS: maximum number of worker connections to use. Default: 512.


PROXY_STATIC_DIRS maps locations to filepaths in the container. The format is:

<map>,<path>[ <map>,<path>]*

An example: css,/var/www/html images,/ will map:

  • /css/ onto /var/www/html/css
  • /images/ onto /images/

Online reconfiguration

There are two scripts to help you execute operations in a running container.


Lets you renew the certificate(s).


Lets you temporarily disable or enable certain backends. The setting is not persisted on container restarts.

# Enable only backend1.example.org, disable all other backends
./backend-reconfigure.sh --enable backend1.example.org
# Disable only backend1.example.org, enable all other backends
./backend-reconfigure.sh --disable backend1.example.org
# Enable all backends (which is what happens by default when starting the container)
./backend-reconfigure.sh --all
# List all backends
./backend-reconfigure.sh --list


You can extend the image with your own configuration. Make your derived docker image by using

FROM petzi/nginx-letsencrypt:x.y.z

/extraconf processing

WARNING: The processing of these files might change until the 1.0 release.

You can add files in a top-level-directory /extraconf. Those files will be processed by the entrypoint script and added to the nginx configuration. Example filenames:

http_compression.conf ssl_custom_rewrites.conf.inc stream_tcp_socket.conf.orig

File extension processing

  1. All files in /extraconf will be placed into the directory /etc/nginx/conf.d
  2. http_*.conf will be included in the http section of the main configuration
  3. stream_*.conf will be included in the stream section of the main configuration
  4. ssl_*.conf.inc will be included in the https configuration

Processing of files with environment variables

You can also create some files with an extension *.orig. Those files will be processed to replace environment variables in the configuration file and produce the corresponding file.

  1. stream_*.conf.orig: Replace environment variables and output as stream_*.conf
  2. ssl_*.conf.inc.orig: Replace environment variables and output as ssl_*.conf.inc

You should place environment variables inside those files using the dollar sign and curly braces: ${MY_ENV_VAR}. This processing is also done internally for some files in this docker image. Use the file conf/http_default_ssl.conf.orig as an example.

Example Usage

There is the directory example whith an example usage. It contains a frontend (proxy) as well as a backend (with an example html page).

To use it:

  1. Install docker (CE) on your computer
  2. cd example
  3. make run

Interesting URLs:

http://localhost:2080/ (will redirect to localhost:2443)
https://localhost:2443/ (requires authentication test:password)


Pull requests and issues are welcome. As a rule of thumb, pull requests will be processed faster than issues.

Get started

git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:petzich/docker-nginx-letsencrypt.git
  1. Install docker (CE) on your local machine.
  2. run make
  3. run make test