- 0
AttentionLSTM Exception
#28 opened by ZaingLau - 1
ValueError: Tensor-typed variable initializers must either be wrapped in an init_scope or callable (e.g., `tf.Variable(lambda : tf.truncated_normal([10, 40]))`) when building functions. Please file a feature request if this restriction inconveniences you.
#21 opened by ruthu1998 - 1
- 1
Hello, I plan to change LSTM into BiLSTM in this network. How can I solve such a mistake in the process?
#26 opened by Lucien-creator - 1
- 3
Work with Tensorflow 2.2.0 and built-in Keras: Exception has occurred: ValueError
#25 opened by krivenkoz - 1
the size of the outputs of LSTM and FCN
#24 opened by GaotongWu - 13
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#23 opened by teukam-dabou - 0
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what is not is_timeseries
#20 opened by heyxhh - 5
Dimension Shuffle
#12 opened by Goschjann - 4
- 0
What is the connection between and
#18 opened by heyxhh - 0
How to operate the Mecanism attention model ?
#17 opened by AntoineBD - 1
Time series data to be fed into CNN
#15 opened by zneha - 1
Can this be used in real time?
#14 opened by cbsudux - 1
- 19
- 1
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Attention on only one time step?
#11 opened by Microsheep - 1
Question about the choice of dropout layer rate.
#10 opened by moorejee - 3
Only one time step?
#4 opened by zsh965866221 - 1
How to make a prediction
#8 opened by TinaZhangTing - 4
Severe overfitting
#6 opened by Ostnie - 1
fine tune
#5 opened by ligesangmeiduo - 9
- 3
where can I get data for models?
#1 opened by shgefu