Web Build: An Ant-based website optimization system
Does the following things in some order:
- Compresses JS
- Compresses CSS
- Inlines <script> tags under a specific size
- Renames JS/CSS/Images/SWFs/Fonts to append a hash of their contents for easier CDN versioning
- Embeds images as DataURIs into CSS
- Optionally creates a MTHML file for IE
- Prefixes relative urls with an absolute value for using a CDN
- Supports ifdef-style code enabling for dev vs live
- Cleans up @VERSION@ in YUI modules
- Removes JS Logging
- Generates PNG8 images
- Optimizes PNGs and JPGs
- ... and maybe something else I forgot?
In order to successfully use this you will need:
- Ant 1.8
- Java JDK
Also provides a very small JS macro/lib to streamline using files/properties in JS build files
The FileTransform task is derived from code posted by Julien Lecomte