
Calculate proteome coverage

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Script requirements

To run this script, make sure that the following files are in the same directory as the script:

  • peptide_data.csv: This file should contain a list of peptides and their corresponding information. The format should be the same as in the R script provided.
  • protein_sequences.fasta: This file should contain the protein sequences that you want to analyze. The format should be the same as in a typical FASTA file.

How the script works

The script first defines two functions: calculate_coverage and plot_coverage.

The calculate_coverage function takes in a Pandas DataFrame of peptides and the path to a FASTA file. The function performs the following steps:

  • Loads the protein sequences from the FASTA file into a dictionary.
  • Calculates the length of each protein.
  • Calculates the number of peptides that cover each protein.
  • Calculates the percent coverage of each protein.
  • Returns a DataFrame containing the percent coverage values for each protein.

The plot_coverage function takes in a Pandas DataFrame of percent coverage values, a title for the plot, and a filename for the output file. The function creates a histogram of the percent coverage values and saves it to the specified filename.

The script then loads the peptide data from the peptide_data.csv file using the pd.read_csv function from the Pandas library. It also defines the path to the protein_sequences.fasta file.

The script calls the calculate_coverage function to calculate the proteome coverage, passing in the peptide DataFrame and the path to the FASTA file.

Finally, the script calls the plot_coverage function to plot the proteome coverage distribution and save it to a file.