
Just some C++ engine experiments. Ignore for now.

Primary LanguageC


Nperplex is.. nothing yet! Just a mixxed bag of C++ code. Ignore please.


* C++ STL

* boost (http://www.boost.org/)
Install in extlibs/boost/ or add it to the global include directory of your compiler.

* GLM (http://glm.g-truc.net/)

Prebuild in repository

sudo apt-get install libglew1.7 libGLFW-dev


### Library + Examples ###

Nperplex uses premake to generate the Visual Studio solution or GNU makefiles.
See: http://industriousone.com/premake

##### Windows #####
1. Simply call make-proj-win.bat
2. Open solution in VS
3. Compile

##### Linux #####
1. chmod 775 make-proj-lin.sh
2. Simply call make-proj-lin.bat

### Source Documentation ###

The source code is documented in the Natural Docs-style (http://www.naturaldocs.org/).

#### Install + Run Natural Docs ####
1. Install Perl 5.8 or higher 
2. Download Natural Docs
3. Add Natural Docs to path

##### Windows: #####
3. On Windows replace the content of the NaturalDocs.bat with "@perl "%~dp0NaturalDocs" %*"
   See: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2825083&group_id=81796&atid=564049
4. Build doc with make-doc-win.bat

##### Linux: #####
3. Apply the execute attribute to the NaturalDocs file, such as with “chmod +x NaturalDocs”.