
MODIS Level 2 data handling in Matlab following the QA plan for C61 :https://modis-images.gsfc.nasa.gov/_docs/QA_Plan_C61_Master_2017_03_15.pdf

Primary LanguageMATLAB


MODIS Level 2 data handling in Matlab following the QA plan for C61 :https://modis-images.gsfc.nasa.gov/_docs/QA_Plan_C61_Master_2017_03_15.pdf

Date: Aug 18 2023 1.) Extract MYD05_L2 data: Total Column Precipitable Water at 1kmX1km resolution 2.) The Geolocation file has to be extracted from MYD03, since MYD05_L2 will have Geolocation only at 5kmX5km resolution

Future plan adapt the QA flags for other MYD**_L2 products (Especially aerosol and cloud)!!!!