
Simple yet effective presentation card to show off as business card

Primary LanguageJava

What is it?

DroidCard is a simple project aiming to help you give your contacts easily even when you ran out of Business Cards, directly from your Android Device and over multiple protocols.


  • NFC support for sharing URLs
  • Multiple animation
  • KitKat translucent bars
  • Easily customizable via XML files
  • Support for ASSIST Intent to be executed with Google Now gesture
  • Really lightweight
  • Completely asynchronous in order to avoid UI blocks

Missing Strings

Some strings have not been loaded since they contained personal data, but here's a list of them with an explanation of what they do:

  • name: your name, as appears in the card
  • job: your job, that will be written below your name
  • curriculum_url: this is where you store your Curriculum Vitae, it will be launched when the name card gets clicked
  • url_to_share: this is the link that you will be able to share with the share button, I used it to share a hub page that contains all my social links
  • url_to_vcard: direct URL to your vCard, will be shared via NFC

####Note: you can change those links and use them as you wish, and you can easily change images and icons from res folder.


###This software comes as it is, you are free to modify it, fork the project and use the software for yourself. If you wish to publish this software on Google Play Store or any other Android app store, you shall insert a visibile URL to this project and change package name.


###Roberto Orgiu


You can see this app working on YouTube!