
Meaningful control of data in distributed systems.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Project Oak

Build Status

The goal of Project Oak is to create a specification and a reference implementation for the secure transfer, storage and processing of data.

In traditional systems, data may be encrypted at rest and in transit, but they are exposed to any part of the system that needs to process them. Even if the application is securely designed and data are encrypted, the operating system kernel (and any component with privileged access to the machine that handles the data) has unrestricted access to the machine hardware resources, and can leverage that to bypass any security mechanism on the machine itself and extract secret keys and data.

As part of Project Oak, data are end-to-end encrypted between enclaves, which are isolated computation compartments that can be created on-demand, and provide strong confidentiality, integrity, and attestation capabilities via a combination of hardware and software functionality. Enclaves protect data and code even from the operating system kernel and privileged software, and are intended to protect from most hardware attacks.

Additionally, data are associated with policies when they enter the system, and policies are enforced and propagated as data move from enclave to enclave.


  • Enclave: A secure CPU compartment that can be created on-demand, containing code and data; it enforces isolation from the host and other enclave instances running on the same system. It guarantees confidentiality and integrity of both data and code running within it, and it is capable of creating hardware-backed remote attestations to prove to other parties a measurement (i.e. hash) of the code and data within the enclave itself. Also known as Trusted Execution Environment (TEE).
  • Enclave Manufacturer: The entity in charge of manufacturing the CPU or System on a Chip (SoC) supporting enclaves.
  • Platform Provider: The entity in charge of maintaining and running the combined hardware and software stack surrounding the TEE, for instance in a cloud context.
  • Trusted Computing Base (TCB): The set of hardware, firmware, software components critical to the security of the system; bugs or vulnerabilities inside the TCB may jeopardise the security properties of the entire system.
  • Independent Software Vendor (ISV): The entity or person providing the code for the service running on top of the Project Oak; in the most common case this may be a third party developer.

Threat Model

  • untrusted:
    • most hardware (memory, disk, motherboard, network card, external devices)
    • Operating System (kernel, drivers, libraries, applications)
    • platform provider (hardware, software, employees)
    • third-party developers
  • trusted-but-verifiable:
    • Project Oak codebase (and its transitive dependencies)
  • trusted:
    • enclave manufacturer (and therefore at least some hardware / software)
  • partly or conditionally trusted:
    • end users

Side channels are out of scope for Project Oak software implementation. While we acknowledge that most existing enclaves have compromises and may be vulnerable to various kinds of attacks (and therefore we do need resistance to side channels) we leave their resolution to the respective enclave manufacturers and other researchers.

End users are considered "partly trusted" in that we assume that when two users exchange data, there is a pre-existing basic trust relationship between them; in particular we assume that the recipient of the data is not going to intentionally circumvent robust protection mechanisms on their device in order to extract the received data.

Oak VM

The Oak VM is currently the core software component of Project Oak; it is responsible for executing Oak Modules and enforcing policies on top of data, as well as producing remote attestations for clients. Other models are also possible.

Each Oak VM instance lives in its own dedicated enclave and is isolated from both the host as well as other enclaves and Oak VM instances on the same machine.

Oak Module

The unit of compilation and execution in Oak is an Oak Module. Each Oak Module is a self-contained WebAssembly module that is interpreted by an Oak VM instance as part of an Oak Application.


The current version of the Oak VM supports WebAssembly as the first-class target language for Oak Module development. Developers wishing to run their code as part of Project Oak need to be able to compile their code to WebAssembly.

WebAssembly has a well-defined, unambiguous formal specification, and is targeted by most LLVM-based languages (including C++ and Rust), and others, for example Go.

WebAssembly Interface

Each Oak Module must expose the following exported functions as WebAssembly exports:

  • oak_initialize: () -> nil: Invoked when the Oak Manager initializes the Oak Node. The Oak VM guarantees that this is invoked exactly once.

  • oak_finalize: () -> nil: Invoked when the Oak Manager finalizes the Oak Node. Note that this is best effort, and not guaranteed to be invoked before the Oak Node is finalized (e.g. in case of sudden shutdown of the host this may fail to be invoked). No further interactions with the Oak Node are possible after finalization.

  • oak_handle_grpc_call: () -> nil: Invoked when a client interacts with the Oak Node over gRPC. Each client interaction results in a new invocation of this function, and the Oak VM guarantees that concurrent invocations only invoke it sequentially, therefore from the point of view of the Oak Node these calls will never overlap in time and each execution of this function has full access to the underlying internal state until it completes. In the future we may relax some of these restrictions, when we can reason more accurately about the semantics of concurrent invocations, and how they relate to the policy system.

Communication from the Oak Module to the Oak VM and to other modules is implemented via channels. A channel represents a uni-directional stream of messages, with a receive half and a send half that an Oak module can read from or write to respectively. Each half of a channel is identified by a handle, which is used as a parameter to the corresponding host function calls.

At each invocation, the following channel halves are implicitly available to the Oak Node (see /oak/server/oak_node.h):

  • logging (handle: 1, send)
  • grpc_method (handle: 2, receive)
  • grpc_in (handle: 3, receive)
  • grpc_out (handle: 4, send)

Each Oak Module may also optionally rely on zero or more of the following host functions as WebAssembly imports (all of them defined in the oak module):

  • channel_read: (i64, i32, i32, i32) -> i32: Reads a single message from the specified channel, and sets the size of the message in the location provided by arg 3. If the destination buffer is not large enough for the entire message, then no data will be read and a STATUS_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL status will be returned.

    • arg 0: Handle to channel receive half
    • arg 1: Destination buffer address
    • arg 2: Destination buffer size in bytes
    • arg 3: Address of a 4-byte location that will receive the number of bytes in the message (as a little-endian u32).
    • return 0: Status of operation

    Similar to zx_channel_read in Fuchsia.

  • channel_write: (i64, i32, i32) -> i32: Writes a single message to the specified channel.

    • arg 0: Handle to channel send half
    • arg 1: Source buffer address holding message
    • arg 2: Source buffer size in bytes
    • return 0: Status of operation

    Similar to zx_channel_write in Fuchsia.

Rust SDK

Project Oak provides a Rust SDK with helper functions to facilitate interactions with the Oak VM from Rust code compiled to WebAssembly. This provides idiomatic Rust abstractions over the lower level WebAssembly interface.

Oak Node

An Oak Node is an instance of an Oak Module running on an Oak VM.

Each Oak Node also encapsulates an internal mutable state, corresponding the WebAssembly linear memory on which the Oak Module operates. Concurrent invocations of the same Oak Node are serialized so that they do not concurrently access the same underlying memory, but individual invocations may modify the internal state in such a way that it is observable in subsequent invocations, potentially by different clients (assuming this is allowed by the policies associated with the Oak Node in the first place). Clients may rely on this together with additional properties related to the Oak Module to decide whether the Oak Node provides sufficient guarantees for the data they intend to exchange with the Oak Node; for instance a client may wish to send data to an Oak Node that allows multiple invocations, but only if it can also be shown that the data can only be retrieved in sufficiently anonymized form in subsequent invocations by other clients.

Oak Application

An Oak Application is a set of Oak Nodes running within the same enclave, and connected by unidirectional channels. The connectivity graph is specified as part of an Application Configuration and is immutable once an application is running.

An Oak Application may have one or more entry points from which it can be invoked by clients over a gRPC connection.

Once a new Oak Application is initialized and its endpoint available, clients may connect to it using individually end-to-end encrypted, authenticated and attested channels. The remote attestation process proves to the client that the remote enclave is indeed running a genuine Oak VM and will therefore obey the policies set on the Oak Node; the Oak VM itself may then optionally prove additional details about the Oak Module and its properties, which may require reasoning about its internal structure.

Oak Manager

The Oak Manager creates Oak Applications running within a platform provider.

Note that the Oak Manager is not part of the TCB: the actual trusted attestation only happens between client and the Oak Application running in the enclave at execution time.

In response to an application creation request, the Oak Manager sends back to the caller details about the gRPC endpoint of the newly created Oak Application, initialized with the application configuration specified in the request.

The following sequence diagram shows a basic flow of requests between a client, the Oak Manager and an Oak Application.

The particular case where the TEE is provided by Intel SGX is shown in the following system diagram.

Remote Attestation

Remote attestation is a core part of Project Oak. When a client connects to an Oak Node, the two first establish a fresh ephemeral session key, and then they provide assertions to each other over a channel encrypted with such key; the client relies on this assertion to determine whether it is connecting to a valid version of the Oak VM (see below for what constitutes a valid version). In particular, the attestation includes a measurement (i.e. a hash) of the Oak Module running in the remote enclave, cryptographically bound to the session itself.

The client may then infer additional properties about the Oak Module running on the remote enclave, e.g. by means of "static attestation" certificates that are produced as a byproduct of compiling the Oak Module source code itself on an enclave and having the enclave sign a statement that binds the (hash of the) compiled Oak Module to some high-level properties of the source code.

TODO: Expand on this.

Oak VM Updates

Under normal circumstances, a client connecting to an Oak Node validates the attestation it receives from the Oak Node when establishing the connection channel. The measurement in the attestation report corresponds to the hash of the code loaded in enclave memory at the time the connection was established. Because the Oak VM changes relatively infrequently, the list of known measurements is small enough that the client is able to just check the inclusion of the received measurement in the list.

Occasionally, a particular version of the Oak VM may be found to contain security vulnerabilities or bugs, and we would like to prevent further clients from connecting to servers using such versions.

TODO: Verifiable log of known versions, Binary Transparency, Key Transparency.


Sample flow:

  • ISV writes an Oak Module for the Oak VM using a high-level language and compiles it to WebAssembly.
  • The client connects to the Oak Manager, and requests the creation of an Oak Node running the compiled Oak Module.
    • The module code itself is passed as part of the creation request.
  • The Oak Manager creates a new enclave and initializes it with a fresh Oak Node, and then seals the enclave. The Oak Node exposes a gRPC endpoint at a newly allocated endpoint (host:port). The endpoint gets forwarded to the client as part of the creation response.
    • Note up to this point no sensitive data has been exchanged.
    • The client still has no guarantees that the endpoint is in fact running an Oak VM, as the Oak Manager is itself untrusted.
  • The client connects to the Oak Node endpoint, and exchanges keys using the Asylo assertion framework.
    • This allows the client to verify the integrity of the Oak Node and the fact that it is indeed running an actual Oak VM, and optionally also asserting further properties about the remote system (e.g. possession of additional secret keys, etc.).
    • If the client is satisfied with the attestation, it continues with the rest of the exchange, otherwise it aborts immediately.
  • The client sends its (potentially sensitive) data to the Oak Node, alongside one or more policies that it requires the Oak Node to enforce on the data.
  • The Oak Node receives the data and performs the desired (and pre-determined) computation on top of them, and sends the results back to the client.


TODO: Roughtime



Step by step instructions for installing Oak on Ubuntu 18.04 shows how to install the prerequisites starting off with a clean Ubuntu install. Note the server runs in the Docker container but the examples run on the host machine. This means you might be missing other dependencies like the protoc protocol compiler.

Run Server

The following command builds and runs an Oak Server instance.


Run Client

The following command (run in a separate terminal) compiles an example module from Rust to WebAssembly, and sends it to the Oak Server running on the same machine.
