
This repository is a project that helps testing a basic news headlines api.

Primary LanguageKotlin


This is an Android App that uses the free version of newsapi.org news API to show the current headlines along with the details of any headline one click away.

Building the App

First, Extract download and extract StayUpdated.zip

Android Studio (Recommended)

(These instructions were tested with Android Studio version 3.4.1)

  • Open Android Studio and select File->Open... or from the Android Launcher select Import project (Eclipse ADT, Gradle, etc.) and navigate to the root directory of your project.
  • Select the directory or drill in and select the file build.gradle in the extracted repo.
  • Click 'OK' to open the the project in Android Studio.
  • A Gradle sync should start, but you can force a sync and build the 'app' module as needed.

Gradle (command line)

  • Build the APK: ./gradlew build

Running the Sample App

Connect an Android device to your development machine.

Android Studio

  • Select Run -> Run 'app' (or Debug 'app') from the menu bar
  • Select the device you wish to run the app on and click 'OK'


  • Install the debug APK on your device ./gradlew installDebug
  • Start the APK: <path to Android SDK>/platform-tools/adb -d shell am start com.deepan.stayupdated.list.view/com.deepan.stayupdated.list.view.HeadlinesActivity