a) In the AI dataset, we included around 100 images for each of the classes in separate 
   sub-folders such as "with_mask", "without_mask", "not_a_person".

b) The google drive link to the complete dataset folder which we are using in the project:


c) The dataset can also be found in the GitHub respository

Running the code
a) The code is written in jupyter notebook where the codes are organized and well 
documented in each cells. 

b) The code needs to be executed by running each cell sequentially. Please make
Sure to wait for above code to be executed completely before moving to the next
cell (which includes all train, testing and evaluation code in one single notebook
Named Project_Part_2.ipynb but arranged in different cells)
Notebook of the first phase also included with the name Project_part_1.ipynb.

c)Python version used - 3.6