
SPI Communication between Nordic Semiconductor DK51 board (Master) & Arduino UNO (Slave)

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

SPI Master/Slave comm for DK51-Arduino UNO

Build Status

SPI Communication between Nordic Semiconductor DK51 board (Master) & Arduino UNO (Slave)

DK51 board will send periodically a set of command with parameters and data to Arduino SPI Slave. The latter will send back ACK or NAK response to SPI Master.

This project is based on spi_master_with_spi_slave example by Nordic Semiconductor that can be found in nrf51 SDK

Pin configuration

Description Arduino UNO NRF51 DK
SS 10 P0.02
MOSI 11 P0.01
MISO 12 P0.03
SCK 13 P0.04


  • follow SDK/Toolchain Installation steps section of this tutorial

  • specify NRF51 SDK directory with :

export NRF51_SDK_DIR=/path/to/sdk


cd pca10028


//erase firmware
nrfjprog --family  nRF51 -e

//upload firmware
nrfjprog --family  nRF51 --program _build/nrf51422_xxac.hex

//start firmware
nrfjprog --family  nRF51 -r

To debug your code : check this link


The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 Bertrand Martel