
Front-end project starter

Primary LanguageCSS



In your command line, run npm run setup and give it a few minutes.

Gulp tasks

  • gulp watch - watch files and compile/reload/inject when changes are detected
  • gulp watch --styleguide - same as above, but builds styleguide as well
  • gulp - once-off build of all assets
  • gulp --styleguide - once-off build of all assets including styleguide
  • gulp styles - compile styles
  • gulp styles:watch - watch styles for changes and compile
  • gulp critical - generates critical css for pages specified in gulpfile.js
  • gulp scripts - compile JS
  • gulp scripts:watch - watch JS for changes and compile
  • gulp images - optimise images in /src/images and move to /assets/images
  • gulp wiredep - inject Bower dependencies
  • gulp build-styleguide - build the styleguide with KSS Node

If you're using Atom, then you can add this to your Snippets (Atom > Snippets) to build a comment for your styles to translate to the styleguide:

  'KSS Comment':
    'prefix': 'ksscom'
    'body': '// ${1:Name}\n//\n// ${2:Description}\n//\n// .modifier   - modifier description\n//\n// Markup: ${3:Markup}\n//\n// Style guide: ${4:component.name}\n'

You can see the existing files for examples on how it works.

This boilerplate makes heavy use of awesome things done by other people:

Project Config Files

  • .editorconfig - Most editors pick this up, and it lets you specify a consistent coding styles. Search for editorconfig and install it for your editor of choice
  • .eslintrc - Rules for ESLint
  • .babelrc - Setup to transpile ES2015 to ES5
  • .bowerrc - Instructions for Bower
  • kss-config.json - Config for creating a styleguide


This project can use Husky to help lint your code. To enable this, go to your package.json file, and rename precommit-eg to precommit. This will also attempt to fix any issues in your JS that doesn't line up with the rules in .eslintrc.



  • assets/css - Compiled CSS
  • assets/images
  • assets/lib - Typically vendor files that aren't part of the asset pipeline
  • assets/scripts - compiled JavaScript


  • src/scripts/ - JavaScript files/modules
  • src/scss/ - Sass files, see the main.scss file for structure information

Extra Material