
QuizApp is a quiz puzzle app that uses categories, questions, and answers from Open Trivia Database. There are a lot of categories to select from, like "General Knowledge" "Books" "Film" "Music" "Musicals & Theatres" "Television" "Video Games" "Board Games" "Science & Nature" "Computer "Maths" ...... and so on. For each category, there are five MCQ type questions with a total time of 60 seconds.Signed in users can see their total progress, accuracy rate, leaderboard, and history of previously played games.

Primary LanguageJava


QuizApp is a quiz puzzle app that uses categories, questions, and answers from Open Trivia Database. There are a lot of categories to select from, like "General Knowledge" "Books" "Film" "Music" "Musicals & Theatres" "Television" "Video Games" "Board Games" "Science & Nature" "Computer "Maths" ...... and so on. For each category, there are five MCQ type questions with a total time of 60 seconds. Signed in users can see their total progress, accuracy rate, leaderboard, and history of previously played games.