
Todo app example with ReactJS + DataStax Astra DB + Serverless

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Serverless + DataStax Astra + Apache Cassandra with React Router demo

This is a demo repository set up to a Serverless react based todo application using a DataStax Astra free tier database for storage in AWS.

This project uses the DataStax NodeJS Cassandra Driver and in AWS Lambda with server rendered React components.


Preparing for demo

Before running the demo, you must install a number of components

  • AWS cli & proper credentials
  • servlerless (npm install -g serverless)

Also, create DataStax Astra Cassandra database (free tier):

  • To keep allow defaults to work name cluster and keyspace tododemo
  • Download secure bundle to local astra directory

Running in AWS

Deploys Lambda and sets up API Gateway. If custom domain specified, deploys app under this custom domain (first deploy might take some time)

npm install
npm run sls:deploy

To initialize/clear the Astra C* Database:

curl -X POST https://{deployed_endpoint}/api/init

NOTE: if you specify a different secure connect bundle name the path must be /opt/secure-connect-{dbname}.zip for AWS lambda to locate it.

Running locally

git clone https://github.com/tjake/todo-react-serverless-astra
cd todo-react-serverless-astra
npm install
npm run build
ASTRA_SECURE_BUNDLE_ZIP=./astra/secure-connect-todolist.zip \
npm start

To initialize/clear the Astra C* Database:

curl -X POST https://localhost:3000/api/init

NOTE: The (secure connect bundle)[https://docs.datastax.com/en/astra/aws/doc/dscloud/astra/dscloudObtainingCredentials.html] must be specified to the local astra directory location when running locally.

Running in AWS with a Custom Domain

  • Create/transfer yourdomain.com in/to Route53
  • Verify yourdomain.com ownership
  • Create *.yourdomain.com certificate request in CloudFront Global (N. Virginia)
  • Wait for it verification

Run once to deploy domain:

CUSTOM_DOMAIN=todo.domain.com CUSTOM_DOMAIN_ENABLED=true API_URL=https://todo.yourdomain.com/api npm run sls create_domain

To properly serve assets you can use bucket for static files (created automatically by serverless)

PUBLIC_PATH=https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/todocdn.yourdomain.com/ \
  CDN_BUCKET=todocdn.yourdomain.com \
  CUSTOM_DOMAIN=todo.yourdomain.com \
  API_URL=https://todo.yourdomain.com/api \
  npm run sls:deploy

Removing from AWS

When you want to remove all AWS resources for this demo:

npm run sls:remove

Things of note:

  • The contents of this repo were based on the TodoMVC code originally written by Pete Hunt.
  • The Astra demo was modified from https://github.com/huksley/todo-react-ssr-serverless
  • There are 3 webpack configs:
    • One for server
    • Another for client
    • Third one (./webpack.serverless.js) for running in serverless
  • The server starts with empty data. Run curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/init to load initial data.
  • The Cassandra lambda calls are located in server.js