
Collection of handy CLI shortcuts for Veracode APIs

MIT LicenseMIT


Collection of handy zsh CLI shortcuts for Veracode APIs. These shortcuts use httpie and jq to make using the Veracode APIs from the command line easier.


Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/tjarrettveracode/veracode-cli-shortcuts

Install dependencies and configure your credentials:

Copy the .veracode_alias file to your user's root directory:

cp .veracode_alias ~

Edit your .zshrc file and add the following lines:

#source aliases

Then open a new terminal window so that the changes to .zshrc take effect.


The .veracode_alias file contains aliases and functions that can be used to automate routine tasks using the Veracode APIs. These include:

  • vcwhoami: prints the user name associated with the currently active Veracode credentials.
  • vcexpires: prints the expiration date for the currently active Veracode credentials.
  • vcroles: prints the list of roles associated with the currently active Veracode credentials.
  • vcappcount: prints the number of application profiles visible in the Veracode platform using the currently active Veracode credentials.
  • vcrenewcreds: (REQUIRES CONFIRMATION) generates and prints to the console new API credentials for the currently active Veracode user, and sets the existing credentials to expire in 24 hours. Caution: You must copy these credentials from the console or they will be lost!
  • vcfindapp (appname): Looks for applications with names that match appname and returns the GUID for the first matching application.
  • vcrevoke (api id): (REQUIRES CONFIRMATION) Revokes the API credentials identified by api id.
  • vcrevokeself: (REQUIRES CONFIRMATION) Revokes the currently active API credentials.

Note: Typing vc and then tabbing at the command line will list all the available commands that start with vc.


Got an idea for more Veracode command line shortcuts? Want to improve one of the current ones? We accept pull requests!