
Symbolic execution engine written for the OOX language in Rust

Primary LanguageHTML

What Is Jip?

Jip is a software testing and verification tool developed as part of a Master's thesis in the Department of Computing Sciences at Utrecht University. The goal of Jip is to discover bugs in software through symbolic execution, a method widely used in the field of software testing and verification. The tool is built with Rust and supports three different SMT-solvers as backends, namely: Z3, CVC4, and Yices2.

Symbolic Execution with Jip

When Jip symbolically executes a program, it generates a Control Flow Graph (CFG) for it. For example, given the program in the image below on the left that assigns the maximum value to variable z, Jip will generate the CFG on the right. There are two possible paths through the CFG, representing all possible executions of the program. Jip will generate two formulas from the assumptions and assertions made in each path through the CFG:

  1. x >= y ==> x >= x && x >= y
  2. !(x >= y) ==> y >= x && y >= y

Via an SMT-solver, the tool can prove the assertions made in the program: assert z >= x; and assert z >= y; are always true, and thus, the program is correct.

Program Transformation

Jip Versus Other Tools

Jip was the second-best in a benchmark against eight other tools using the setup of the Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP). In the table below, the benchmark results are shown; the score is a measure of how many bugs a tool could find.

Tool Score
Jip 59
MLB 54
Java Ranger 52
SPF 49
GDart 36
JayHorn 33


  1. Install rustup
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt install z3
    • Windows: download z3 version 4.8.5 and make sure z3 is available as a binary on PATH
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt install cmake llvm clang libclang-dev
    • Windows: download cmake and llvm
  2. Run cargo build --release in the root folder (it can take 20 - 30 minutes to build due to the z3 rust bindings)
  3. Run with cmd target/release/jip
  4. Optionally: to use cvc4 or yices2, install verifiers and pass the argument with which they are available PATH to Jip, e.g., target/release/jip path/to/program.oox --cvc4-arg cvc4 verify -d 100



    <PATH>    path to oox program

    -a, --adaptive-pruning            Turns on adaptive probabilistic pruning (prune probability will increase with successful prunes and vice versa)
    -c, --constant-pruning            Turns on constant pruning (SEE will try to prune all paths)
        --cvc4-arg <CVC4_ARG>         Passes the custom argument to call cvc4
    -e, --expression-evaluator        Turns on the expression evaluator
        --equivalent-formula-caching  Turns on formula caching
    -f, --formula-caching             Turns on formula caching
    -h, --help                        Print help information
    -i, --infer-size <INFER_SIZE>     The maximum number of iterations that the interval inference algorithm performs [default: 0]
    -p, --probabilistic-pruning       Turns on probabilistic pruning (SEE will try to prune 25% of all paths)
    -s, --symbolic-array-size <SYMBOLIC_ARRAY_SIZE>
                                      The maximum size of a symbolic array, if none is set the size is symbolic
    -V, --version                     Print version information
        --yices2-arg <YICES2_ARG>     Passes the custom argument to call yices2
        --z3-api                      Use z3's c++ api
        --z3-arg <Z3_ARG>             Passes the custom argument to call z3

    bench        Measure time to verify a program
    help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    print-cfg    Print cfg in Dot format
    verify       Verify program and print result

Verifying a program up to a depth of 100 is done with target/release/jip path/to/program.oox verify -d 100, or verifying a program with a timeout of 100 seconds is done with target/release/jip path/to/program.oox verify -t 100.

Notes on OOX

Due to the shortcomings of Jip's parser, you must prepend fields with a hyphen:

class Node {
    int value;
    Node next;


class Node {
    - int value;
    - Node next;

And if you want to write an if-then-else statement without an else branch, you must append a semicolon:

if (true){
    x := y;
} else {


if (true){
    x := y;


All tests are executed with cargo test -r. We have 2 types of tests:

  1. Unit tests: constructed using the default method.
  2. Program tests: with build.rs we construct one test per OOX program in the src/tests/programs folder. We assume a test program contains no violation of its assertions unless it has a file name ending in _invalid.


  • Testing
    • cargo test -r
    • cargo test -- --test-threads 3
    • cargo test -- --no-capture
  • Build
    • cargo build
    • cargo build --release
  • Generate docs -> cargo doc --open
  • Run -> cargo build and then target/debug/jip.exe