
An absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

#Cash An absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers (IE9+)

https://travis-ci.org/kenwheeler/cash.svg?branch=master Minified GZIP

Cash is a small library for modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer 9+) that provides jQuery style syntax for manipulating the DOM. Utilizing modern browser features to minimize the codebase, developers can use the familiar chainable methods at a fraction of the file size. 100% feature parity with jQuery isn't a goal, but cash comes helpfully close, covering most day to day use cases.

Size Comparison

Library jQuery 1.12.2 jQuery 2.2.2 Cash
Uncompressed 287K 253K 20K
Minified 95K 76K 9.5K
Minified & Gzipped 34K 30K 3.4K


Add cash to your project on your server or using the jsDelivr or CloudFlare CDNs, and use cash to manipulate the DOM!

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/cash/1.2.0/cash.min.js"></script>


  $('<footer>Appended with cash</footer>').appendTo(document.body);


Cash is also available through NPM as the cash-dom package:

npm install cash-dom --save-dev

And through Bower as cash:

bower install cash



This is the main selector method for cash. It returns an actionable collection of nodes. If a function is provided, the function will be run once the DOM is ready.

$(selector,[context]) // => collection
$(node) // => collection
$(nodeList) // => collection
$(htmlString) // => collection
$(collection) // => self
$(function) // => document ready callback

Collection Methods

These methods from the collection prototype ( $.fn ) are available once you create a collection with $() and are called like so:

$(element).addClass(className) // => collection
Attributes Collection CSS Data Dimensions Events
$.fn.addClass() $.fn $.fn.css() $.fn.data() $.fn.height() $.fn.off()
$.fn.attr() $.fn.add() $.fn.removeData() $.fn.innerHeight() $.fn.on()
$.fn.hasClass() $.fn.each() $.fn.innerWidth() $.fn.one()
$.fn.prop() $.fn.eq() $.fn.outerHeight() $.fn.ready()
$.fn.removeAttr() $.fn.filter() $.fn.outerWidth() $.fn.trigger()
$.fn.removeClass() $.fn.first() $.fn.width()
$.fn.removeProp() $.fn.get()
$.fn.toggleClass() $.fn.index()
Forms Manipulation Offset Traversal
$.fn.serialize() $.fn.after() $.fn.offset() $.fn.children()
$.fn.val() $.fn.append() $.fn.offsetParent() $.fn.closest()
$.fn.appendTo() $.fn.position() $.fn.find()
$.fn.before() $.fn.has()
$.fn.clone() $.fn.is()
$.fn.empty() $.fn.next()
$.fn.html() $.fn.not()
$.fn.insertAfter() $.fn.parent()
$.fn.insertBefore() $.fn.parents()
$.fn.prepend() $.fn.prev()
$.fn.prependTo() $.fn.siblings()


Type Checking Utilities
$.isArray() $.each()
$.isFunction() $.extend()
$.isNumeric() $.matches()
$.isString() $.parseHTML()


The main prototype for collections, allowing you to extend cash with plugins by adding methods to all collections.

$.fn // => cash.prototype
$.fn.myMethod = function(){ }; // Custom method added to all collections
$.fn.extend(object); // Add multiple methods to the prototype.


Returns a new collection with the element(s) added to the end.

$(element).add(element) // => collection
$(element).add(selector) // => collection
$(element).add(collection) // => collection


Adds the className argument to collection elements.

$(element).addClass(className) // => collection


Inserts content or elements after the collection.

$(element).after(element) // => collection
$(element).after(htmlString) // => collection


Appends the target element to the each element in the collection.

$(element).append(element) // => collection


Adds the elements in a collection to the target element(s).

$(element).appendTo(element) // => collection


Without attrValue, returns the attribute value of the first element in the collection. With attrValue, sets the attribute value of each element of the collection.

$(element).attr(attrName) // => AttributeValue
$(element).attr(attrName, attrValue) // => collection


Inserts content or elements before the collection.

$(element).before(element) // => collection
$(element).before(htmlString) // => collection


Without a selector specified, returns a collection of child elements. With a selector, returns child elements that match the selector.

$(element).children() // => collection
$(element).children(selector) // => collection


Returns the closest matching selector up the DOM tree.

$(element).closest() // => collection
$(element).closest(selector) // => collection


Returns a clone of the collection.

$(element).clone() // => collection


Returns a CSS property value when just property is supplied. Sets a CSS property when property and value are supplied, and set multiple properties when an object is supplied. Properties will be autoprefixed if needed for the user's browser.

$(element).css(property) // => value
$(element).css(property, value) // => collection
$(element).css(object) // => collection


Link some data (string, object, array, etc.) to an element when both key and value are supplied. If only a key is supplied, returns the linked data and falls back to data attribute value if no data is already linked.

$(element).data(key) // => value
$(element).data(key, value) // => collection


Iterates over a collection with callback(value, index, array).

$(element).each(callback) // => collection


Empties an elements interior markup.

$(element).empty() // => collection


Returns a collection with the element at index.

$(element).eq(index) // => collection


Adds properties to the cash collection prototype.

$.fn.extend(source) // => object


Returns the collection that results from applying the filter method.

$(element).filter(function) // => collection


Returns selector match descendants from the first element in the collection.

$(element).find(selector) // => collection


Returns the first element in the collection.

$(element).first() // => collection


Returns the element at the index.

$(element).get(index) // => domNode


Returns boolean result of the selector argument against the collection.

$(element).has(selector) // => boolean


Returns the boolean result of checking if the first element in the collection has the className attribute.

$(element).hasClass(className) // => boolean


Returns the height of the element.

$(element).height() // => Integer


Returns the HTML text of the first element in the collection, sets the HTML if provided.

$(element).html() // => HTML Text
$(element).html(HTML) // => HTML Text


Returns the index of the element in its parent if an element or selector isn't provided. Returns index within element or selector if it is.

$(element).index() // => Integer
$(element).index(element) // => Integer


Returns the height of the element + padding.

$(element).innerHeight() // => Integer


Returns the width of the element + padding.

$(element).innerWidth() // => Integer


Inserts collection after specified element.

$(element).insertAfter(element) // => collection


Inserts collection before specified element.

$(element).insertBefore(element) // => collection


Returns whether the provided selector, element or collection matches any element in the collection.

$(element).is(selector) // => boolean


Returns last element in the collection.

$(element).last() // => collection


Returns next sibling.

$(element).next() // => collection


Filters collection by false match on selector.

$(element).not(selector) // => collection


Removes event listener from collection elements.

$(element).off(eventName,eventHandler) // => collection


Get the coordinates of the first element in a collection relative to the document.

$(element).offset() // => Object


Get the first element's ancestor that's positioned.

$(element).offsetParent() // => collection


Adds event listener to collection elements. Event is delegated if delegate is supplied.

$(element).on(eventName, eventHandler) // => collection
$(element).on(eventName, delegate, eventHandler) // => collection


Adds event listener to collection elements that only triggers once for each element. Event is delegated if delegate is supplied.

$(element).one(eventName, eventHandler) // => collection
$(element).one(eventName, delegate, eventHandler) // => collection


Returns the outer height of the element. Includes margins if margin is set to true.

$(element).outerHeight() // => Integer
$(element).outerHeight(includeMargin) // => Integer


Returns the outer width of the element. Includes margins if margin is set to true.

$(element).outerWidth() // => Integer
$(element).outerWidth(includeMargin) // => Integer


Returns parent element.

$(element).parent() // => collection


Returns collection of elements who are parents of element. Optionally filtering by selector.

$(element).parents() // => collection
$(element).parents(selector) // => collection


Get the coordinates of the first element in a collection relative to its offsetParent.

$(element).position() // => object


Prepends element to the each element in collection.

$(element).prepend(element) // => collection


Prepends elements in a collection to the target element(s).

$(element).prependTo(element) // => collection


Returns the previous adjacent element.

$(element).prev() // => collection


Returns a property value when just property is supplied. Sets a property when property and value are supplied, and sets multiple properties when an object is supplied.

$(element).prop(property) // => property value
$(element).prop(property, value) // => collection
$(element).prop(object) // => collection


Calls callback method on DOMContentLoaded.

$(document).ready(callback) // => collection/span


Removes collection elements from the DOM.

$(element).remove() // => collection


Removes attribute from collection elements.

$(element).removeAttr(attrName) // => collection


Removes className from collection elements. Accepts space-separated classNames for removing multiple classes.

$(element).removeClass(className) // => collection


Removes linked data and data-attributes from collection elements.

$(element).removeData(name) // => collection


Removes property from collection elements.

$(element).removeProp(propName) // => collection


When called on a form, serializes and returns form data.

$(form).serialize() // => String


Returns a collection of sibling elements.

$(element).siblings() // => collection


Returns the inner text of the first element in the collection, sets the text if textContent is provided.

$(element).text() // => text
$(element).text(textContent) // => collection


Adds or removes className from collection elements based on if the element already has the class. Accepts space-separated classNames for toggling multiple classes, and an optional force boolean to ensure classes are added (true) or removed (false).

$(element).toggleClass(className) // => collection
$(element).toggleClass(className,force) // => collection


Triggers supplied event on elements in collection.

$(element).trigger(eventName) // => collection


Returns an inputs value. If value is supplied, sets all inputs in collection's value to the value argument.

$(input).val() // => value
$(input).val(value) // => collection


Returns the width of the element.

$(element).width() // => number

Type Checking


Check if the argument is an array.

$.isArray([1,2,3]) // => true


Check if the argument is a function.

var func = function(){};
$.isFunction(func) // => true


Check if the argument is numeric.

$.isNumeric(57) // => true


Check if the argument is a string.

$.isString('hello') // => true



Iterates through a collection and calls the callback method on each.

$.each(collection, callback) // => collection


Extends target object with properties from the source object. If no target is provided, cash itself will be extended.

$.extend(target,source) // => object


Checks a selector against an element, returning a boolean value for match.

$.matches(element, selector) // => boolean


Returns a collection from an HTML string.

$.parseHTML(htmlString) // => Collection