
Primary LanguageLua

This is a repo for my dotfiles.

To reinstall them: 1 - Install nix 2 - Use standalone package manager and run home-mananger switch command

Right now I'm not managing 100% of system software, there are some exceptions below:

Software installed manually:

  • xcode

Software installed with Homebrew

  • alt tab
  • android studio
  • google chrome
  • whatsapp
  • flipper
  • 1password (has to be installed in Apps folder to work properly)

3 Hyper Keys

  • Hyper Apps - controls switching spaces and apps
  • Hyper Raycast - a utility modal, we can do many things with
  • Hyper Kitty - a special binding for kitty terminal

1 - Hyper Apps (Desktop / Spaces)

  • hyper + uparrow = mission control
  • hyper + downarrow = application windows
  • hyper + d = desktop
  • hyper + t = terminal
  • hyper + i = inspector (for debugging)
  • hyper + c = chrome
  • hyper + b = browser (for other browser)
  • hyper + p = pages/preview
  • hyper + n = notes
  • hyper + x = xcode
  • hyper + o = system settings (options)
  • hyper + w = whatsapp
  • hyper + s = spotify
  • hyper + u = upwork
  • hyper + a = android


  • add command for auto opening a vertical output terminal in kitty