
A lazy load plugin and extensions to provide different loading triggers for images, picture elements and background images

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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What is it?

A set of event driven classes which support lazy load, aka deferral of image loading. The classes support the loading of image elements, picture elements and elements with CSS background images.

LazyLoad, LazyScroll and LazyProximity

LazyLoad is the base class that provides the event driven loading functionality, LazyScroll is a scroll event based extension that loads items as they appear in the viewport and LazyProximity is an extension that defines trigger elements which, when the cursor is over them or they receive a touch event (on cursor-less devices), trigger the lazy load of specified target elements.

Browser support

IE9+ although you'll need to polyfill Array.from, Array.prototype.some and Element.prototype.classList. If you want to lazy load the HTMLPictureElement you'll need to polyfill it for non-supporting browsers (Picturefill is recommended).


The lazy.min.js, lazy-scroll.min.js and lazy-proximity.min.js files are in the js folder.

Each of these requires a data-lazy-src attribute to be added to each element to identify the image path to load. When using image elements, the image's src attribute should be omitted or left empty.

Note: omitting the src is technically invalid HTML, but some older browsers make a HTTP request if the src is set to an empty string so omitting is probably the safest approach.

<!-- lazy load an image element -->
<img data-lazy-src="images/my-lazy-load-image.png">

<!-- lazy load a CSS background image -->
<section data-lazy-src="images/my-lazy-background-image.png"></section>

<!-- lazy load a picture element -->
  <source media="(min-width: 650px)" data-lazy-src="images/my-lazy-picture-large.png"></source>
  <source media="(min-width: 450px)" data-lazy-src="images/my-lazy-picture-med.png"></source>
  <img data-lazy-src="images/my-lazy-picture-small.png" />

Once the elements have been marked up accordingly, the classes can be used in the following ways:

// new school
import LazyLoad from './lazy.min.js';
import LazyScroll from './lazy-scroll.min.js';
import LazyProximity from './lazy-proximity.min.js';

// old school
const LazyLoad = require('./lazy.min.js');
const LazyScroll = require('./lazy-scroll.min.js');
const LazyProximity = require('./lazy-proximity.min.js');
<!-- in the browser to expose globally -->
<script src="./lazy.min.js"></script>
<script src="./lazy-scroll.min.js"></script>
<script src="./lazy-proximity.min.js"></script>

To modify the classes or create your own wrapper around LazyLoad install the project with yarn and use either yarn start or yarn run dist to produce an unminified or minified output respectively. Use yarn test to run the test suite.


The LazyLoad base class gives you the means to lazy load items. It does not automatically trigger loading like the LazyScroll and LazyProximity classes do. An instance of LazyLoad inherits a method - fireLazyLoadEvent - which, when passed an element, will fire a lazyload event on that element, telling LazyLoad to attempt to load it.

To use the LazyLoad class, create a new instance by passing a CSS selector of the elements to lazy load.

<img class="my-lazy-image" data-lazy-src="images/my-lazy-load-image.png">
// create an instance 
const lazy = new LazyScroll('.my-lazy-image');
// pull the first element from the instance's images array
const [lazyImage] = lazy.images;
// call the fireLazyLoadEvent method passing in the element to lazy load


To use the LazyScroll class, call the class with a CSS selector of the elements to lazy load and they will load as they appear in the viewport. LazyScroll responds to the scroll event both vertically and horizontally.

const lazy = new LazyScroll('.your-lazy-item-identifying-selector');

Manually loading an image with LazyScroll

You may find yourself in a scenario where you have images appear on screen not as a result of a scroll event. For example, you might have a carousel of images to lazy load but some of the images are hidden off screen, meaning LazyScroll will not find them in the viewport. As the carousel transitions from slide to slide, images that were previously outside the viewport will enter, but as no scroll event has occurred, LazyScroll will not be aware of them.

For these types of scenarios, LazyScroll provides a method - rescanViewport - which, when called, forces it to manually rescan the viewport. To utilise this functionality, in the case of such a carousel, the rescanViewport method would need to be called every time the carousel transitions from slide to slide.

// add the `rescanViewport` method to the carousel controls
carouselNext.addEventListener('click', lazy.rescanViewport);


To use the LazyProximity class, call the class with two arguments - a CSS selector for the elements to lazy load (the targets), and a CSS selector for the trigger elements. When these trigger elements are hovered over or receive a click / touch, LazyProximity will attempt to load the elements matching the selector in their data-lazy-target attribute.

<!-- trigger element that loads all elements matching the selector ".my-lazy-image" -->
<button class="lazy-btn" data-lazy-target=".my-lazy-image">Click or hover over me!</button>

<!-- target elements -->
<img class="my-lazy-image" data-lazy-src="images/my-lazy-load-image.png">
<img class="my-lazy-image" data-lazy-src="images/my-lazy-load-image2.png">
<img class="my-lazy-image" data-lazy-src="images/my-lazy-load-image3.png">
const lazy = new LazyProximity('.lazy-image', '.lazy-btn');


To extend the base class and add custom loading criteria you can use the following pattern:

class CustomLazy extends LazyLoad {
  constructor(selector) {
    // modify the images property to add custom data
    this.images = this.images.map(function(lazyImage) {
      // return each lazy element's data object with additional data if required

// use some other criteria to trigger an element load
// internally in the class, loop through the array of elements, if one meets the criteria to load
// call the fireLazyLoadEvent method passing in the element to load
const lazy = new CustomLazy('.lazy-image');
lazy.images.filter(function(lazyImage) {
  // get the elements yet to be resolved
  return !lazyImage.resolved;
}).forEach(function(lazyImage) {
  // test to see if the element meets the loading criteria, if it does fire the lazyload event
  // and update the data to show the element has resolved
  lazyImage.resolved = true;

How it works

Upon initialisation, the LazyLoad class creates an array of image data, storing each element, its src (pulled from its data-lazy-src attribute) and a resolved attribute initially set to false. If a HTMLPictureElement is found the src will be an array of the data-lazy-src attributes from its children.

<!-- an image element -->
<img class="lazy-image" data-lazy-src="images/my-lazy-load-image.png">

<!-- a picture element -->
<picture class="lazy-image">
  <source media="(min-width: 650px)" data-lazy-src="images/my-lazy-picture-large.png"></source>
  <source media="(min-width: 450px)" data-lazy-src="images/my-lazy-picture-med.png"></source>
  <img data-lazy-src="images/my-lazy-picture-small.png" />
const lazy = new LazyLoad('.lazy-image');

// each element stored in the images array is represented with the following data structure
  image: <Elememt>
  src: <String or Array>
  resolved: <Boolean>

// an image element would have a single source
src: 'images/my-lazy-load-image.png'

// a picture element would have an array of sources
src: ['images/my-lazy-picture-large.png', 'images/my-lazy-picture-med.png', 'images/my-lazy-picture-small.png']

Lazy events

An event listener listening for a lazyload event is bound to each element upon initialisation.

Note: if an element that receives a lazyload event is not an image or picture element, upon successful load its CSS background-image property will be set as the loaded image.

Utilising the lazy events

The lazyload event can be captured on the window or another parent like any other event that bubbles. It's a signal that LazyLoad is attempting to load an element and so can be used as an opportunity to do something whilst this happens, such as show a loading spinner.

Upon a successful load, a lazyloadcomplete event is fired on the element. Following on from the previous example, this would be an opportunity to remove the loading spinner and display the element.

As older browers can display images without src attributes as broken images and some browsers display the alt text of an image before the image loads, it's probably a good idea to add styling to hide elements initially and reveal upon loading. If an element can't be loaded a lazyloaderror event is fired.

<div class="lazy-image-container">
  <img src="images/loading-spinner.gif" class="loading-spinner">
  <img data-lazy-src="images/my-lazy-loading-image.png" class="lazy-image">
// show a loading spinner whilst the image attempts to load 
window.addEventListener('lazyload', function(evt) {
  var lazyImage = evt.target;
  var spinner = lazyImage.previousElementSibling;

  // show a loading spinner
  spinner.style.display = "block";

// hide the spinner and show the image if the loading is successful
window.addEventListener('lazyloadcomplete', function(evt) {
  var lazyImage = evt.target;
  var spinner = lazyImage.previousElementSibling;

  // hide the loading spinner and show the element
  spinner.style.display = "none";
  lazyImage.style.display = "block";

// remove the image if the load is unsuccessful
window.addEventListener('lazyloaderror', function(evt) {
  var lazyImage = evt.target;
  var spinner = lazyImage.previousElementSibling;

  // hide the loading spinner and remove the image
  spinner.style.display = "none";

Lazy Loading a Picture element

For browsers that don't support the HTMLPictureElement, lazy loading will not work without some additional help from your chosen polyfill. The Picturefill polyfill is used in the demo and tests and is recommended to use in conjunction with LazyLoad.

As non-supporting browsers will not react when the srcset property of an image is set (LazyLoad does not set the src property of source elements and the image within a picture element, it sets their srcset property), the polyfill we need to re-evaluate the picture element when this happens.

You can do this manually by listening to the lazyload event and calling the picturefill function, passing in the picture element to re-evaluate (see below), or use the picturefill mutation plugin, which will handle the behaviour automatically (recommended).

// example using the Picturefill polyfill
const lazy = new LazyLoad('.lazy-picture');

// get the first picture element
const [picture] = lazy.images;

// force polyfill to run again on the element on lazyload event
window.addEventListener('lazyload', function() {
    reevaluate: true,
    elements: [picture.image]

// fire lazyload event on the picture element
