
A React CMS that manages authentication, user profiles, and an admin dashboard with configurable options.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A React CMS. Currently manages authentication, user profiles, and an admin dashboard with configurable options.


Getting Started

Once this repo is cloned,

  1. Install MySQL

  2. Install Node and NPM

  3. Install Sharp

  4. Install webpack and redis globally

    $ npm install -g webpack
    $ npm install -g redis
  5. Install dependencies

    $ npm install
  6. Start necessary servers

    $ mysql.server start
    $ redis-server
  7. Import alumConnect schema to mySQL database

    $ mysql -u root < server/schema.sql
  8. In schema.sql, replace the values from line 97-98 and 110-111 with the necessary info. Delete lines 100-105 and lines 113-118. (Note: If you are Dan, leave the values as is!)

    To find your github id, do:

    curl https://api.github.com/users/*YOUR HANDLE HERE*
  9. Obtain github OAuth credentials (see wiki)

  10. Replace githubAPIConfig.example.js in /server/config/ to githubAPIConfig.js. Fill up the keys as follows:

    exports.sessionSecret = 'YOUR SECRET STRING HERE';
    exports.githubClientId = 'GITHUB CLIENT ID HERE';
    exports.githubClientSecret = 'GITHUB CLIENT SECRET HERE';
    exports.githubCallbackUrl = '';
  11. Insert data to alumConnect table (Note: This step is only relavent to Dan!)

    $ node server/new_insertData.js
  12. Launch the server

    $ npm start

Database Schema

database shema

Api Endpoints


Endpoint Action Returns Side Effect Parameters/Req Body
/auth GET ? ? ?
/auth/logout GET ? ? ?
/auth/sessionreload GET ? ? ?
/auth/refreshcookies GET ? ? ?
/auth/error GET ? ? ?
/auth/callback GET ? ? ?
/auth/islogged GET ? ? ?
/auth/isadmin GET ? ? ?


Endpoint Action Returns Side Effect Parameters/Req Body
/db/groups GET All groups and their visible groups - -
/db/groups POST Newly created group and its visible groups - group_name: new group name
visibleGroups: array of visible groups by id
/db/groups/group/:id GET A group and its visible groups - id: group id
/db/groups/group/:id POST Modified group and its visible groups - id: group id
group_name: modifed group name
visibleGroups: array of visible groups by id
/db/groups/group/:id DELETE - Deletes all associated relational data id: group id


Endpoint Action Returns Side Effect Parameters/Req Body
/db/users GET Userinfo and groups - -
/db/users POST - - handle: user handle
githubid: user github account
name: user full name
email: user email address
image: user image url
public: user visibility (0 or 1)
permission: admin privilege (o or 1)
/db/users/user/:id GET User info, sites, bio, and groups - id: user id
/db/users/user/:id POST - - id: user id
handle: user handle
githubid: user github account
name: user full name
email: user email address
url: user url link
public: user visibility
permission: user admin privilege
/db/users/user/:id DELETE - Deletes all associated relational data id: user id
/db/users/name GET ? ? ?
/db/users/user/visibility POST ? ? ?
/user/uploadimage POST ? ? ?


Endpoint Action Returns Side Effect Parameters/Req Body
/db/sites GET All sites a user can have - -
/db/sites POST Newly created site - site_name: site name
base_url: site url
hospitalId: Id of appointment hospital
/db/sites/site/:id POST Modified site site_name: site name
base_url: site url
active: 0 or 1
/db/sites/site/:id DELETE - Deletes all associated relational data id: site id


Endpoint Action Returns Side Effect Parameters/Req Body
/db/fields GET All bio field titles - -
/db/fields POST Newly created bio field title - title: bio field title
/db/fields/field/:id POST Modified bio field title - title: bio field title
/db/fields/field/:id DELETE - Deletes all associated relational data id: bio field title id
