
Bullet Physics for Bifrost

Primary LanguageC++


Bullet Physics for Bifrost. Created and tested with Bifrost and Maya 2024.1.


This initial release focuses on essentials for rigid body simulations, specifically creating collision objects from Bifrost geometry and rigid body constraints.

In addition to further developing the RBD feature set, future feature goals include:

  • Diagnostic views for various compounds.
  • Soft body dynamics, cloth and lattice simulations.
  • Low level utilities, ie. collision query, ray casting, geometry sweep, general purpose bullet operators useful outside of just simulation.
  • GPU solver, this part of bullet appears to be experimental and completely undocumented so it is unclear how well this will go.


The current release only includes a windows build, but hopefully this will change in the future.

Copy the Bulletfrost folder to your user compounds or other preferred location. Set BIFROST_LIB_CONFIG_FILES to the location of BulletfrostPackConfig.json. This can be done by editing your Maya.env with the following

BIFROST_LIB_CONFIG_FILES = <..>/Bulletfrost/BulletfrostPackConfig.json

If the environment variable is already set you can append a path with using ;

BIFROST_LIB_CONFIG_FILES = <existing value>;<..>/Bulletfrost/BulletfrostPackConfig.json

Getting Started

Documenting compounds is still a todo, however the library includes a few demo scenes with some explanation of their setup.
