
Daily Photo from NASA API - using React, Axios, Styled Components, and React YouTube

Primary LanguageJavaScript


NASA Daily uses the NASA open source API to display an image or video from NASA that changes each day. This is very much still a work in progress, but working on it on my own time. Using React, Axios, Styled Components, and React YouTube on this.

I deployed this with Surge and will try to keep it updated, here's the link: http://nasa-daily.surge.sh/

Things to do:

  • Better styling
  • Fix CSS border on scroll down
  • Better format of data
  • UX decision - display explanation?
  • Touch up VideoPage
  • Include Redux to better manage data? Reduce API calls and pass props instead.
  • Add loading animation

I'm also open to any suggestions, pull requests, or working with issues!