Welcome to BDK RTT!
The BDK RTT integrates Beken Software Development Kit and the customized RTT, which is aimed for the resource-constrained and low-cost applications, such as the IoT applications.
The BDK RTT supports multiple Beken chips, including BK7231N, BK7251 and BK7231U.
Here is the getting started guides:
- step1 - get the developing board from Beken Products.
- step2 - download the BDK RTT code on github BDK RTT. For the non-github users, download the BDK RTT directly on Download Center.
- step3 - read the Get Started to learn how to build, download BIN and startup the board.
- step4 - download the toolchain and BIN downloading tool from Download Center
- step5 - seek support on BBS, or report bugs on Github Issue Forum
- Report bug or request new feature on Github Issue Forum
- Ask for support or technical discussion on Beken-Forum
Here's a quick summary of resources to help you find your way around:
- Get Started - Get BDK Started Guides
- API reference - Get BDK API reference
- Hardware Docs - Download all kinds of hardware documents
- Download Center - Download BDK ARM toolchains, BIN download tools and other resources
- Beken Products - Overview about different Beken products
- Beken Home Page - Find more resources on Beken Home Page