The Node.js Foundation TSC

The Node.js Foundation TSC

The Node.js Foundation Technical Steering Committee is the technical governing body of the Node.js Foundation. It admits and oversees all top-level Projects in the Node.js Foundation. It also elects a representative to the Node.js Foundation Board of Directors.

For more details read the TSC Charter adopted by the Node.js Foundation Board of Directors on June 17th 2015.

If your project is interested in joining the Node.js Foundation please read the Project Lifecycle.md documentation.

TSC Members

TSC members are responsible for top level technical community concerns. The role is mostly administrative and is responsible for admitting new Top Level Projects, Top Level Working Groups, and advocating for any needs in the technical side of the foundation to the Node.js Foundation Board of Directors.

TSC members can nominate new members at any time. Candidates for membership tend to be people who have a competancy for community management and a high tolerance and patience for process minutiae as the TSC delegates most of its responsibilities to other projects and working groups.

Every Top Level Project not currently incubating can appoint someone to the TSC who they elect at their own discretion.

Current members

Top-Level WGs and TLPs

  • Working Groups

  • Mentors

    Project mentorship is not a technical role. In fact, mentors are discouraged from giving technical advice to projects. Instead, the purpose of mentorship is to encourage and improve a projects ability to be participatory, transparent, and effective. Mentors are there to help projects adopt and iterate on policies and processes that achieve these goals and eventually allow them to graduate the incubation phase.

    * Mikeal Rogers (@mikeal)
  • Top-Level Projects

  • Core TLP

  • Core WGs (streams, http, Intl)

Policy Change Proposal Process

The Node.js TSC is chartered to oversee the technical governance of all Top Level Projects and Working Groups under the Node.js Foundation. The TSC establishes the default governance, conduct, and licensing policies for all Top Level Projects. Top Level Projects and Working Groups have broad powers of self-governance.

To propose a change or addition to policies or processes that are intended to cover all Top Level Projects and Working Groups in the foundation, a PR should be opened in the nodejs/TSC repository.

The pull request can be labeled tsc-agenda to request that it be put on the agenda for the next TSC meeting.

The Node.js Foundation Board of Directors retains certain rights (especially legal considerations). If the TSC endorses a proposal, they will escalate to the Node.js Foundation Board of Directors when required to do so.

In some cases, existing individual groups have the right to refuse changes to their charters. The TSC can not mandate existing working groups alter their charters. If such a situation arises, the TSC may decide to revoke the group's charter.