
hyper app style redux react

Primary LanguageJavaScript


HyperApp style redux

For those who need to use react and redux but want something simple

  • No more switch statments or action objects
  • Fully supports redux debugger with time travel ect.
  • Can be strongly typed with TypeScript
  • Can use context to access state and actions in nested components


  npm install hyper-redux


import * as React from 'react';
import { app } from 'hyper-redux';

const initalState: 0;

const actionsMap = {
  increment: delta => state => state + delta,
  decrement: delta => state => state - delta,
  incrementDelayed: delta => (state, actions) => {
    setTimeout(actions.increment, 1000, delta);
    return state;

function view(state, actions ) {
  return (
      <p> Clicked: {state} times </p>
      <button onClick={() => actions.increment(1)}>+</button>
      <button onClick={() => actions.decrement(1)}>-</button>
      <button onClick={() => actions.incrementDelayed(1)}>+ delayed</button>

app(initalState, actionsMap, view, document.body);

Live Demo

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