
CoffeeScript port of the python cmd module.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


CoffeeScript port of the python cmd module.

How to Use

The Cmd class is not very useful by itself, but it is designed to provide a base class that can be extended for desired functionality.

When a command is received, the method do_<command> is invoked with the command arguments as a list of strings. Lines starting with ? or help will invoke the do_help method, and ?<command> will invoke the method help_<command>

Basic Usage

Define your subclass of cmd.Cmd:

cmd = require './cmd'

class DemoApp extends cmd.Cmd
  do_somecommand: (args) ->
    console.log "somecommand has been invoked!"
  help_somecommand: () ->
    console.log "Explains how to use 'somecommand'"

new DemoApp().cmdloop()

Run the Application:

$ coffee myapp.coffee
> somecommand
somecommand has been invoked!
> ?somecommand
Explains how to use 'somecommand'

##Advanced Features More advanced modification can be attained by updating class variables and functions.

###Variables @prompt - The string to display as the command prompt.
@lastcmd - A string containing the last issued command.

###Methods @default - Method called when an unknown command is encountered.
@emptyline - Method called when an empty line is encountered. Default behavior is to re-issue the previous command received.