
DCPU16 implemented in coffee script.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Dcpu16 library written in CoffeeScript. The hcf library provides an emulator, assembler, and disassembler compliant with v1.7 of the DCPU spec.

Demo Time!

Installing - npm (Javascript/Production)

npm install hcf

Installing - git (Coffeescript/Development)

git clone git://github.com/tjdetwiler/hcf.git hcf
cd hcf
cake install # install node_modules
cake all     # build lib/ directory

Basic Usage (Emulator)

hcf = require('hcf');

prog = [];
dcpu = new hcf.Dcpu16();

The above code would execute a DCPU binary at approximately 100KHz. You can hook into execution events by providing callback methods:

// onPreExec - Called right before executing Instr 'i'
dcpu.onPreExec(function(cpu, i) {});
// onPostExec - Called right after exectuing Instr 'i'
dcpu.onPostExec(function(cpu, i) {});
// onPeriondic - Called every 10,000 instructions or so.
dcpu.onPeriodic(function(cpu) {});
// onCondFail - Called when an instruction is skipped via conditional execution
dcpu.onCondFail(function(cpu, i) {});
// onInstrUndefined - Called when an undefined instruction is executed.
//   The callback must return true if it wants the CPU to fetch the next instruction.
//   if a non-true value is returned and the callback doesn't update cpu.mDecoded, the
//   cpu will be stuck in an infinite loop.
onInstrUndefined(function(cpu, i) { return true; });

Standard hardware devices are provided as well:

// LEM requires an HTML5 canvas element
canvs = $("#myCanvas");
dcpu.addDevice(new hcf.Hw.Lem1802(dcpu, canvas));
dcpu.addDevice(new hcf.Hw.GenericClock(dcpu));
dcpu.addDevice(new hcf.Hw.GenericKeyboard(dcpu));

Register/Memory accessors:

// Read registers
a = dpcu.regA();
b = dcpu.regB();
c = dcpu.regC();

// Write Registers

// Special registers too
pc = dpcu.regPC();
sp = dcpu.regSP();
ex = dcpu.regEX();
ia = dcpu.regIA();

// Memory
addr = 0x1234;
word = dcpu.readMem(addr);
dcpu.writeMem(addr, 0xbeef);

Breakpoints for read/write/execute events (In Development):

// Sets a breakpoint
// addr - memory address
// mode - "r", "w", "x", or any combination of them.
dcpu.breakpoint(0x1000, "rwx", function(cpu, addr, mode) { });