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This repo is not maintained. See RandomizedPreconditioners.jl for the randomized Nyström preconditioner.

An L1 regression solver using ADMM and Randomized Nystrom Preconditioning.


This package solves L1 regression problems of the form

$$min 1/2m * ||Ax - b||² + λ||x||₁$$

where A is an m x n matrix, b is an m vector, and λ is a scalar parameter.

Problems are constructed as follows.

prob = LassoADMMProblem(A, b, λ)

Then these problems can be solved by calling the solve! function:

result = solve!(prob)

There are several optional keyword arguments:

  • relax::Bool=true
    • Toggles the use of relaxation (see [1, §3.4.3])
  • logging::Bool=false
    • If true, logs the objective value, duality gap, RMSE, and primal & dual residuals at each iteration.
  • precondition::Bool=true
    • Toggles use of the preconditioner for conjugate gradients
  • tol=1e-6
    • Stopping tolerance (duality gap)
  • max_iters::Int=100
  • print_iter::Int=25

Regularization path

If you are solving this problem with several λ's, there is no need to reconstruct the problem. Instead, update λ:

update_λ!(prob, λ_new)

The problem retains the solution from the previous run, so it will warmstart the next run of the optimization procedure.


The solver will return a LassoADMMResult with the following fields:

  • obj_val
  • sq_error
    • Currently 1/2m * ||Ax - b||², but may change to RMSE
  • x
  • dual_gap
  • log
    • The log always contains the problem setup time, preconditioning time, and solve time. If logging=true, it also contains information about the metrics at each iterate. The full structure is below:
struct LassoADMMLog{T <: AbstractFloat}
    dual_gap::Union{AbstractVector{T}, Nothing}
    obj_val::Union{AbstractVector{T}, Nothing}
    iter_time::Union{AbstractVector{T}, Nothing}
    rp::Union{AbstractVector{T}, Nothing}
    rd::Union{AbstractVector{T}, Nothing}


[1] Stephen Boyd et al. Distributed optimization and statistical learn-ing via the alternating direction method of multipliers. Now Publishers Inc, 2011

[2] Zachary Frangella, Joel A Tropp, and Madeleine Udell. “Randomized Nyström Precon-ditioning.” In:arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.02820(2021).


  • Performance improvements
  • Smarter scaling of problem data
  • Function for regularization path
  • Better parallelization
  • Tests