CWL application to load a STAC item using the openEO package and computing NDVI


Containerised Python script to load STAC data using openEO functions and compute NDVI for the dataset


Python script is containerised using Docker and wrapper in a CWL script allowing it to be called from the Command Line with the URL or file path of a STAC item.

How to use

To run this CWL script open a terminal in the repository and run the following command cwltool get-eo-data-wrkflw.cwl#run_openeo --dataSet <STAC_item_url>

A good example STAC item is available at

Using with the ADES

This CWL script defines an OGC Application Package which can be executed using any CWL running. Of particular note is the interfacing with EOEPCA. With a running EOEPCA instance, either local or cloud deployed, you can pass in the URL of the raw CWL script along with the URL of a STAC item and see the NDVI computation returned.