
Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Table of Contents

What is this Project?

This repository contains the code for a function written in Java called Decide(). The project is the first assignment for the Fundamentals of Software Engineering course at KTH, taught by Cyrille Artho.

Decide() is used to determine whether a projectile should be launched in order to intercept an incoming balistic missile.

How it Works

Decide() assesses which launch conditions are relevant for the immediate situation. If all combinations of launch conditions are met, Decide() will issue a launch-unlock signal, enabling the launch of the defensive projectile.

This assessment is completed by the computations of given input data, handled by six primary functions as outlined below.

Input Data

Launch Interceptor Conditions (LIC)

A set of 15 conditions which are used to confirm a launch or not. For a positive confirmation, all 15 conditions must register as being true.

The conditions are calculated based on an input set of up to 100 data points representing radar echos.

LICs are calculated by functions in src/main/CMV.java using data input of int[][] planarDataPoints.
Outlined under Conditions Met Vector (CMV) below.

Logical Connector Matrix (LCM)

A 15x15 matrix of input data which is used to determine which individual LICs must be considered jointly in order to assess a confirmation or denial of an individual launch condition.

The LCM is subsequently used as input data for the PUM function outlined below. The LCM is outlined at ref-docs/decide-3.pdf page 5 and implemented in src/main/Main.java:

// src/main/Main.java

        // Fill LCM
        // Following the Table 1 in decide.pdf
        for(int i = 0; i < Parameters.LCM_MAT.length; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < Parameters.LCM_MAT.length; j++)
                Parameters.LCM_MAT[i][j] = -1;
        Parameters.LCM_MAT[0][0] = 1;
        Parameters.LCM_MAT[0][1] = 1;
        Parameters.LCM_MAT[0][2] = 0;
        Parameters.LCM_MAT[0][3] = 1;

        Parameters.LCM_MAT[1][0] = 1;
        Parameters.LCM_MAT[1][1] = 1;
        Parameters.LCM_MAT[1][2] = 0;
        Parameters.LCM_MAT[1][3] = 0;

        Parameters.LCM_MAT[2][0] = 0;
        Parameters.LCM_MAT[2][1] = 0;
        Parameters.LCM_MAT[2][2] = 1;
        Parameters.LCM_MAT[2][3] = 1;

        Parameters.LCM_MAT[3][0] = 1;
        Parameters.LCM_MAT[3][1] = 0;
        Parameters.LCM_MAT[3][2] = 1;
        Parameters.LCM_MAT[3][3] = 1;

Primary Unlocking Vector (PUV)

The PUV is a vector of type bool.
It defines which LIC (or multiple LICs) need to be true given the immediate situation.

The PUV indicates how to combine the elements of the PUM in order to create the Final Unlocking Vector.

// src/main/Main.java

        // Fill PUV
        for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.PUV_VEC.length; i++) {
            if (i % 2 == 0)
                Parameters.PUV_VEC[i] = true;
                Parameters.PUV_VEC[i] = false;

Primary Functions

Conditions Met Vector (CMV)

The CMV is a vector of 15 boolean values and is created by the CMV() function in src/main/CMV.java.

Data from the CMV describes which of the LIC conditions have been met.

Each time CMV() is called it calculates every LIC and fills the boolean result into a vector, subsequently returning it for use later in the program.

data input: int[][] lic
data output: bool[] cmv

// src/main/CMV.java

    public CMV(int[][] planarDataPoints){
        datapoints = planarDataPoints;



    public boolean get_cmv_value(int lic_number){
        return cmv_vector[lic_number];

    private boolean lic0_calculate() {
        for (int j = 1; j < this.datapoints.length; j++){ 
            int i = j - 1;
            if(Helper_Functions.euclidean_distance(this.datapoints[j], this.datapoints[i]) > Parameters.LENGTH1 ){
                return true;
        return false;

Primary Unlocking Matrix (PUM)

The PUM is a 15x15 matrix of type bool.

It is derived from the combination of the LCM and CMV and calculated by the calculate_pum() function in src/main/PUM.java.

The PUM is built in order to provide input data to the Final Unlocking Vector (FUV) outlined below.

data input: int[][] lcm, bool[] cmv
data output: boolean[15][15] pum

// src/main/PUM.java

    public PUM(int[][] lcm_datapoints, boolean[] cmv_vector){
        // get LCM vector
        this.lcm_datapoints = lcm_datapoints;

        // get CMV vector
        this.cmv_vector = cmv_vector;

    public boolean[][] calculate_pum() {
        pum_matrix = new boolean[15][15];
        for (int i = 0; i < lcm_datapoints.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < lcm_datapoints[i].length; j++) {
                if  (lcm_datapoints[i][j] == -1 ||
                    (lcm_datapoints[i][j] == 1 && cmv_vector[i] && cmv_vector[j]) ||
                    (lcm_datapoints[i][j] == 0 && (cmv_vector[i] || cmv_vector[j]))) {
                    pum_matrix[i][j] = true;
        return pum_matrix;

Final Unlocking Vector (FUV)

The FUV is a 15-element vector of type bool.

It is used to calculate the final issuance of the launch-unlock signal. Only if every element of the FUV is true, will the launch-unlock signal be generated at which point the defensive projectile is cleared for launch.

data input: boolean[] puv, boolean[][] pum
data output: boolean[] fuv

// src/main/FUV.java

    public boolean[] calculate_fuv(boolean[] puv, boolean[][] pum) {
        for (int i = 0; i < fuv.length; i++) {
            if (puv[i] == false || is_all_true(pum[i]))
                fuv[i] = true;
                fuv[i] = false;
        return fuv;

Our Way of Working

We are pleased with the structure and workflow that we implemented within this assignment. On the first day we established principles for the team to follow (eg. a protocol for missed work days, remote vs IRL group work and a git commit formatting structure) as well as agreed on the tools we were to use (GitHub, GitHub Projects, Discord and Java).

We found that we were quite reliable in following the above structures, although the git commit formatting did get forgotten occasionally. Due to the short timeline, we did desynchronise our group approach to overarching software engineering problems that needed to be addressed, such as implementing a test framework and unit tests.
However, due to the fluidity in our communication channels and organisation via the GitHub issue tracker and projects, our productivity and efficiency remained on its positive trend through to the end of the assignment.

As a team, the state we are in is excellent. We communicate well and understand each others skill sets. We have shown that we are all comfortable with the tools we have chosen to work with and are looking forward to further optimize our workflow in the comming assignment. For the next assignment we will work on a more refined issuing of tasks, as with this project there was a lot of cross-over between tasks, which occasionally caused confusion and lead to merge conflicts and increased communication time to debug.

Statement of Contributions

We as a team agree that we have undertaken a successuful collaboration and learnt a great deal from this assignment. None of us had worked in a collaborative codebase of this size before, and on top of that, we began work the very same day that we met.

We found that despite the short deadline, and not knowing each other personally beforehand, we still collaborated and coordinated efficiently as well as maintained a healthy and productive work environment. Each member of the group felt they were given equal opportunity to contribute both in written content (code and documentation) and verbally during meetings and in Discord.

We feel that what we managed to achieve in the short time we had to work on it is remarkable given our lack of previous experience in such a scenario. For this we are proud.

  • Anders Blomqvist
    • Project code setup
    • JUnit Test skeleton
    • Implemented FUV
    • Implemented LIC6
    • Fixed PUM and created its tests
  • Arasp Keighobad
    • Implemented LICs and their tests:
      • LIC0
      • LIC3
      • LIC9
      • LIC10
    • Helper functions for some LICs
    • Paramaters.java class
    • CMV class skeleton
  • Arian Hanifi
    • Implemented LICs and their tests:
      • LIC1
      • LIC8
    • Helper function for calculating radius of circumscribed circle
    • Fixing bugs in testing functions
    • Troubleshooted Github branch protection rules
    • Helped with project structure
  • Michael Morales Sundstedt
    • Implemented LICs and their tests:
      • LIC2
      • LIC4
      • LIC5
      • LIC7
      • LIC11
      • LIC12
      • LIC14
    • Helped out with CMV.java code skeleton
  • Tillman Jex Schäuble
    • Repository oversight and GitHub projects structuring
    • Readme documentation
    • Meeting moderation and adgenda creation
    • Author of the PUM function (code review by Anders)


For building and running this project the requirements are:

How to build and run

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Import project as a Maven project with your desired IDE.
  3. Run Main.java.

Or by manually running with maven:

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Enter repository root cd decide-g26
  3. Compile with mvn compile
  4. Run the program mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.group26.Main
  5. Test the program mvn test

Windows PS users: use this command instead for running: mvn exec:java -D"exec.mainClass"="com.group26.Main"