
A CLI to assist dotfile management with a bare git repository. This repo is a mirror of https://git.sr.ht/~tjex/dotf, but I'll still be responsive here to issues, etc 👍

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A git wrapper to make tracking dotfiles with a bare git repository even more convenient.


dotf expects to find a config file at ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/dotf/config.toml.

The below settings are for demonstration in keeping with the bare repo dotfiles tutorial on Atlassian

worktree = "/Users/<user>" # note: must be absolute path (no $HOME, ~/, etc.. yet)
gitdir = "/Users/<user>/.cfg/" # the bare git repo root
origin = "<read+write url for origin>" # eg, git@yourhost.com:user/dotfiles
mirror = "<read+write url for mirror>" # eg, git@yourmirror.com:user/dotfiles
batch-commit-message = "batch dotf update" # used by `dotf sm --prime` for submodule commit message

For example, my config is here.


  1. Clone this repo
    1. To install with the latest changes: go install
    2. To install with a stable version: git checkout tags/<version> && go install

To get version tags, first fetch all tags with git fetch --all --tags and then run git tag.

This repo is also mirrored on GitHub.


All git commands are passed as normal. Some are intercepted and handled differently, some are unique:

`dotf sm --prime`:
    add (with `git add -A`) and commit all changes to all submodules.
    Commit message is set in `config.toml`.

`dotf sm --list`:
    list all tracked submodules.

`dotf sm --edit`:
    search submodule directories with `fzf`, opening selected with $EDITOR
    (defaults to vim).

`dotf push`: 
    push to origin and mirror concurrently.

`dotf --help`:
    display help for dotf or git (interactively)

All flags have shorthand as well: --prime / -p.

A regular workflow would then look like the following. From anywhere in your file system:

dotf sm --prime # add and commit all changes within submodules
dotf add -u # add all changes to tracked dotfiles
dotf commit -m "update all dotfiles"

dotf push

Run all other git commands as normal:

dotf status
dotf log --oneline
dotf rebase -i HEAD~2


Tillman Jex