
Python scripts for penetration testing uses :snake: 2022

Primary LanguagePython


Includes code from multiple sources:

  • TryHackMe Challenges
  • "Python for Pentesters" THM Course

Scans a network using ARP protocol

Usage: $ python3 arpscan.py

Enumerate for directories on a domain

Usage: $ python3 direnum.py <domain> -w <wordlist>

Download file using requests

Usage: $ python3 download.py <url>

Gathers information on a given url

Usage: $ python3 inforecon.py <url>

Logs keys pressed using keyboard package

Usage: $ python3 keylogger.py

Cracks given md5 hashes using file or single entry

Usage: $ python3 md5crack.py [-h] -w WORDLIST (-f FILE | -m MD5)

Scans a port list of a given target

Usage: $ python3 nmapscanner.py <url>

Sends a flood of scapy crafted messages from a src to a dst

Usage: $ python3 packetplay.py <src> <dst>

Modification of ProFTPD 1.3.5 exploit to utilize SMB known share enumeration

Usage: $ python3 proftpd_modcopy.py <target>

Grabs a screenshot and transfers it over FTP

Usage: $ python3 screenshot.py <filename>

Sets up a simple client

Usage: $ python3 simpleclient <IP> <port>

Sets up a simple server

Usage: $ python3 simpleserver.py <port>

Spoofs a MAC address of a linux machine while handling exceptions

Usage: $ python3 spoofmac.py [-h] [-i INTERFACE]

Spoofs a MAC address of a linux machine while handling exceptions

Usage: $ python3 sshbruteforce.py [-h] -t TARGET -u USER -p PASSWORD_FILE

Discovers subdomains using a list of possible entries

Usage: $ python3 subdomains.py <url>

Conducts recon and attacks on web forms using requests and beautifulsoup

Usage: $ python3 webattack.py <target>