
travis and katherine do a project

Primary LanguageLean

Authors: Travis Hance (thance) Katherine Cordwell (kcordwell)

We prove various combinatorial identities. In particular,

  • we start Vandermonde's identity (Katherine's focus)
  • the Hockeystick identity (Katherine's focus)
  • the catalan identity: that the catalan numbers, as defined by the usual recurrence, equals (1/(n+1))*(2n+1 choose n). (Travis's focus)

For some or all of these, we will use combinatorial bijections.

ORGANIZATION: - identities.lean (both Travis and Katherine's focus): - Theorems about set bijections - Proof that the set of lists of length n with k distinguished items has size (n choose k). - hockeystick.lean: - Proof of hockeystick identity and progress on Vandermonde's identity - catalan.lean - Definition of catalan numbers by recurrence - Proof that catalan numbers are (2n+1 choose n) / (2n+1)