
CMS that looks and feels a lot like Tumblr. Coded on this before it was open sourced.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Installation guide

  1. Clone the repo into your vendor/gems directory
  2. In your Gemfile:

gem "atreides", :path => "./vendor/gems/atreides"

  1. Run: bundle install

  2. Our generator loads the application environment, and so will NOT work unless the devise.rb initializer has already been created.

    rails g devise:install

  3. Then, generate the Atreides:

    rails g atreides rake atreides:install:migrations

  4. Configure the app to use the ActiveRecord session store, like this: (Otherwise, the QQ photo uploader will not work)

    $ cat config/initializers/session_store.rb Rails.application.config.session_store :active_record_store, :key => Settings.session_key, :cookie_only => false, :secret => 'b2b9dc917f44439635be5b7d07af4b501f14a8f267b2461549fce7229e26fe29f62c3fd42e521d5c570dc524e32d2068a24e1f3490760fb34c09874e41d49fcc'

  5. Migrate the DB

    rake db:migrate

  6. Chillax

Running the tests:

bundle exec rake spec
bundle exec cucumber

To use spork, first launch a Sport server like this:

RAILS_ENV=test spork rspec &2> /dev/null
RAILS_ENV=test spork cucumber &2> /dev/null

Then, add the command-line option --drb to your RSpec or Cucumber command