
Plot the graph representation

windrise opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm interested in your work and appreciate it. Can you tell me about how to visualize the graph representation like the Fig. 1 (or Fig. 6) in your paper.
I am looking forward to your kind reply.
Thanks in advance.

Hello and thanks for the interest in our work!

With regards to the graph visualisation you mention, you can see my attempts at exploring the graph-tool package here (with short installation instructions):

You can see I tried other visualisation approaches which were not included in the paper using this package. Unfortunately, I found that it was not easy to get something like these plots in a controlled way, and had to manually remove some arrows from the image in Inkscape, as I was not able to do that programmatically.

If you are interested in these type of plots, I recommend you search for "connectogram plot", as there are other tools online. I ended up using this one because of the Python support, but I recognise there are more out there which could be more useful for you.