Uses Eddio0141's SM64 Replay Romhack to turn an m64 movie file into a z64 ROM that plays the movie back.
replay_rom_maker.exe [your_movie.m64] [your_rom_name.z64 | -]
Before you can create any Replay ROMs, you must apply the .ips patches to unmodified Super Mario 64 U and J ROMs respectively, and place them into the same folder as the replay_rom_maker.exe
executable. Make sure the ROM names match their respective patch names. Patching can be done with Floating IPS (flips). You are free to delete the .ips patch files after doing so.
You have two options for selecting an m64 to make into a ROM. You can either place your m64 in the same directory as the executable, rename it to input.m64
, and run the replay_rom_maker.exe
executable, or you can run the executable from the command line with your m64 as an argument (the argument can also be a path to an m64 not in the current directory).
You have three options for the name of the output ROM. If only an m64 is passed as an argument (ex: replay_rom_maker.exe your_movie.m64
), the output ROM will be named output.z64
(note: any previous output.z64
ROM will be overwritten if you create another ROM with this name). If an m64 and a z64 name are passed as arguments (ex: replay_rom_maker.exe your_movie.m64 your_rom_name.z64
), the output ROM will be named whatever name you passed as an argument. Finally, if an m64 and -
are passed as arguments (ex: replay_rom_maker.exe your_movie.m64 -
), the output ROM will have the same name as the input m64.
If no arguments are passed (replay_rom_maker.exe
), input.z64
and output.z64
will be chosen by default. Pass -h
as the only argument to see the usage again (replay_rom_maker.exe -h
Simply compile it on the command line with your C compiler of choice (gcc main.c -o replay_rom_maker.exe
, for example).