
a C-like general purpose programming language

Primary LanguageC++


a (very wip) C-like general purpose programming language

implementation informed by Crafting Interpreters

formal grammar

program               -> declaration_statement* END_TOKEN ;

declaration_statement -> variable_declaration NEWLINE
                       | statement NEWLINE ;

variable_declaration  -> "const"? TYPE IDENTIFIER ( "=" expression )?
                       | ( "let" | "const" ) IDENTIFIER ( "=" expression )? ;

statement             -> expression_statement
                       | for_statement
                       | if_statement
                       | print_statement
                       | while_statement
                       | block ;

for_statement         -> "for" "(" ( variable_declaration | expression_statement | ";" )
                         expression? ";"
                         expression? ";" ")" statement ;

while_statement       -> "while" "(" expression ")" statement ;

if_statement          -> "if" "(" expression ")" block
                         ( "elif" "(" expression ")" block )?
                         ( "else" block )?

block                 -> "{" declaration_statement* "}" ;

print_statement       -> "print" expression ;

expression_statement  -> expression ;

expression            -> assignment ;

assignment            -> IDENTIFIER ( "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "|=" | "&=" | "^=" ) assignment
                       | logical_or ;

logical_or            -> logical_and ( "||" logical_and )* ;

logical_and           -> equality ( "&&" equality )* ;

ternary               -> equality "?" equality ":" ( expression )* ;

equality              -> comparison ( ( "!=" | "==" ) ) comparison )* ;

comparison            -> bitwise ( ( ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" ) bitwise )* ;

bitwise               -> term ( ( "|" | "&" | "^" | "@" | "<<" | ">>" ) ( term | bitwise ) )* ;

term                  -> factor ( ( "-" | "+" ) factor )* ;

factor                -> unary ( ( "/" | "*" | "**" | "%" ) unary )* ;

unary                 -> ( "!" | "-" | "~" | "++" | "--" )? unary ( "++" | "--" )?  
                       | primary ;

primary               -> NUMBER | STRING | TRUE | FALSE
                       | IDENTIFIER
                       | "(" expression ")" ;


  • if
  • elif
  • else
  • while
  • for
  • break
  • continue
  • in
  • switch
  • return
  • true
  • false
  • let
  • const
  • fn
  • struct


  • u8 / i8
  • u16 / i16
  • u32 / i32 (int)
  • u64 / i64
  • f32
  • f64
  • str
  • void
  • bool
  • Pointers ([TYPE]*)



  • ASSIGN a = b
  • CALL a([b...])
  • RANGE a..b
  • ACCESS a.b
  • DEREF *a


  • ADD a + b
  • SUB a - b
  • MUL a * b
  • DIV a / b
  • POW a**b
  • NEG -a
  • MOD a % b
  • ADD_EQ +=
  • SUB_EQ -=
  • MUL_EQ *=
  • DIV_EQ /=
  • POW_EQ **=
  • INC a++ / ++a
  • DEC a-- / --a


  • LESS a < b
  • GREATER a > b
  • LESS_EQ a <= b
  • GREATER_EQ a >= b
  • NOT_EQ a != b
  • EQ a == b
  • OR a || b
  • AND a && b
  • XOR a ^^ b
  • NOT !a
  • TERN ?:
    a ? b : c


  • OR a | b
  • AND a & b
  • XOR a ^ b
  • NOT ~a
  • LSHFT a << b
  • RSHFT a >> b
  • CHK a@b
    Returns the bit at position b in a (0 = least significant bit)

number representations

  • Decimal 1
  • Floating Point 1.0
  • Binary 0b00000001
  • Hexadecimal 0x01

built-in functions

  • print() / println()
    Prints provided value. It will attempt to print values of any type, and throw an error if it can't.
  • hex() / bin()
    Returns a string containing the respective hexadecimal or binary representation of the provided number.
  • type() Returns a string containing the type of the provided value.


scopes are declared with curly braces {}. single-line scopes can be declared within a single line, or with a newline, where the scope begins and ends on the following line.