
lohud's traffic camera map

Primary LanguageCSS

lohud Traffic Camera map

A running version can be viewed here

This traffic camera map pulls from 511NY's APIs and plots them out on a responsive map. There's a custom php file (not in repo) that pulls from 511NY and writes to the JSON, this php file is run through cron.

Important note: Image files from thruway.ny.gov cannot be embedded - Albany's DOT office has hotlink protection. The php file mentioned above parses through the API's response and downloads the relevant files and caches them locally. This can take a little time, our cron runs every 30 minutes.


1.1.2 - Now caches JSON every 30 minutes, with images saved locally 1.1.0 - Pulls from 511NY's API, caches JSON every minute 1.0.0 - Working traffic map, pulls from XML file and static URL links


  • Google maps
  • Foundation by Zurb


  • Dwight Worley (@DwightsNews) -- original developer
  • Kai Teoh (@jkteoh)