NOTE: This is a scratchpad for my thoughts on the issue. Move these to RFC 411 once they're coherent.

Initial thoughts

  • mock interaction from the main thread as well. this is essential to making the extension host interactive AND initializing quickly. will solve the linked line jump issue.
  • each demo should have its own bundling strategy. importScripts() only can get away with old style (parcel v1), dynamic import() only can get away with only module extensions, dynamic import() with fallback should be able to handle both.
  • should run tests on each major browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox). the import-scripts-only architecture, which we use in Sourcegraph right now, downloads in serial on Chrome.
  • initial download speed is not the only performance concerns. responsiveness to the main thread has already shown to be an issue (e.g. scrolling to line)
    • it's possible that fixing download speed is enough to alleviate line scroll concerns, however, so prioritize that work first. after that, I can integrate scheduling into the loading solution

Medium-to-long-term migration plan:

  • import-scripts-only architecture -> dyn-import-with-fallback architecture (while migrating extensions) -> naive-dyn-import-only (w/ graceful error handling for incompatible extensions)

TODO: UML Sequence diagram to demonstrate what the problem and solution look like.

  • legacy and new extensions will have to have different export mechanisms (module.exports = { activate } vs export activate), but can have the same import mechanism (global.require('sourcegraph'))

  • think about how to port without synchronous extension loading. two options come to mind:

      1. in "sourcegraph" module, add setContext function to module.exports. when called with id, sets that property on the API instance passed to the extension (create new API instance to pass to extension on each call of globalThis.require)
      1. include extension id from manifest in compiled output.