
Benchmarking approaches to tree search

Primary LanguageHaskell


Minimal examples of performance issues with different approaches to logic programming in haskell (using program synthesis as an example)

Synthesis paradigms

We compare two approaches: direct and indirect. In the direct style, the synthesizer is embedded in the typechecker (src/RoundTrip.hs). Upon encountering a hole, the round-trip typechecker (and synthesizer) guesses a term.

In the indirect style, the typechecker simply annotates holes with specifications (a tuple of a typing context and a goal type). Then, a separate synthesis module handles the process of filling the hole. Filling a hole will require calling back into the typechecker in order to generate specifications for any new subgoals.

Direct style:

Implemented in src/RoundTrip.hs, the direct synthesizer just re-uses the typechecking logic but adds non-determinism.

Indirect style:

Implemented in src/Synthesizer.hs, the indirect synthesizer uses the typechecker (in src/Gradual.hs) to annotate each term. Then, it solves sub-goals according to the specifications produced by the typechecker.

Running the synthesizer

The CLI is very dumb. Usage: stack exec -- minisynth [style] where "style" is either "direct" or "indirect". Then, the executable solves whatever benchmark is hard-coded into bin/Main.hs