MATLAB codes for simulating and optimizing various elution modes of CCC processes using the CUP model.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


MATLAB codes for simulating various elution modes of CCC processes using CUP model. These codes were written in MATLAB 2016b. Several examples of CCC processes such as EECCC and DualCCC were included. An example of EECCC Optimization using an objective function was included.

Published Article

The cell utilized partitioning model as a predictive tool for optimizing counter-current chromatography processes

Hoon Choi, Nathan E. Soland, Marisa R. Moss, Jian Liu, Ryan R. Prestangen, Rui Katahira, Suh-Jane Lee, Michael R. Thorson,
Charles J. Freeman, Eric M. Karp

Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 285, 2022, 120330

ISSN 1383-5866
