
This is the script that I use to update brew.sh automatically

Primary LanguageShell


This is the script that I use to update brew automatically using launchd


This is the actual shell script which does all the work.

It must be installed at /usr/local/bin/updatebrew.sh and it must be executable:

chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/updatebrew.sh


This is the launchd plist file. It must be installed as ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.tjluoma.updatebrew.plist

Once installed, it can be started by giving this command in Terminal:

launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.tjluoma.updatebrew.plist

“How do I change how often it runs?”

The frequency that updatebrew.sh is run is controlled by launchd, which is defined by the 'com.tjluoma.updatebrew.plist' file, specifically these lines:


172800 is the number of seconds equal to two days.

86400 would equal one day.

You can change that number to be anything you want, but it does not need to be more often than once-per-day.

“How do I run it at the same time each day?”

If you want updatebrew.sh to be run at the same time every day, then you need to edit the 'com.tjluoma.updatebrew.plist' file and delete the <key>StartInterval</key> line and the <integer>172800</integer> line.

Then put these lines in their place:


That will run it at exactly 4:00 a.m. (local time) each day.

Change the 4 to anything between 0-23 for the hour if you want to change the hour.

Change the 0 to anything between 0-59 if you want to change the minute.

homebrew-256x256.png (optional)

Homebrew Logo

This is the logo file that I use with either growlnotify or terminal-notifier, assuming that you have either installed.

  • If you have both installed, growlnotify will be used (because I assume if you have Growl installed, you want to use Growl.)

  • If you do not have either one installed, neither will be used and you will never see this image.

If you do want to use this image with either growlnotify or terminal-notifier then it must be saved to ~/Pictures/homebrew-256x256.png.