
This is the code for the demo that was presented by QualiTest and Sauce Labs in the webinar "One Test to Rule Them All - Conquer Android and iOS with One Script"

Primary LanguageJava


This is the code for the demo that was presented by QualiTest and Sauce Labs in the webinar "One Test to Rule Them All - Conquer Android and iOS with One Script"

The main folders and files in this repository:

src/test/resources/serenity.android.properties - The serenity bdd property file with Android configuraton src/test/resources/serenity.iOS.properties - The serenity bdd property file with the configuration to be used to connect to sauce labs and run iOS simulator. This is a template and an example file. Values should be added to saucelabs.user.id, saucelabs.access.key, saucelabs.url and the appium keys.

Page Object Model - Layers of abstraction

  1. Tests - define what you are going to do. src/test/resources/features.login/login.feature - the bdd feature file with one login scenario
  2. Step Definitions. src/test/Java/com/qualitestgroup/serenity/cucumber/features/stepdefinitions folder
  3. Step - define how you are going to do it. src/test/Java/com/qualitestgroup/serenity/cucumber/features/steps folder
  4. Pages - contain the elements that define how to find the real elements and how to interact with them. src/test/Java/com/qualitestgroup/serenity/cucumber/features/pages folder