
SRCLD 2013 poster

Primary LanguageR


The repository contains R and RMarkdown scripts for my SRCLD 2013 poster.

The poster, as it was printed and presented, is available in final_printed_poster.pptx.

Workflow for generating reports

I used R and other tools (knitr, markdown, pandoc) to generate the text, tables and figures used in the poster. I used the following workflow.

  1. Use the scripts in R to (re-)generate data-sets. Save these into data.
  2. Work in the .Rmd files in the report directory to edit a report's R code and body text.
  3. Gather BibTeX-format citations in refs.bib and use the reference handles therein for inline and parenthetical citations.
  4. Run generate_report.r to knit the code and text in the .Rmd file together into a Markdown file. This intermediate .md file is converted by Pandoc into other file types.


  • The .csl file in report/backend determines the citation formatting rules. In this case, we're using APA formatting.
  • The _config.txt files control the options that are fed into pandoc.
