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Old Jekyll posts are named with


and yield


having yaml fields like

title: Ordering constraints in brms using contrast coding
excerpt: But mostly how contrast matrices are computed
  - r
  - bayesian
  - brms
  - math
  overlay_image: "assets/images/2023-07-ruins-1280.jpg"
  image_description: "An ancient ruin"
  overlay_filter: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.2)
  caption: "Photo credit: [**Russ McCabe**](https://unsplash.com/photos/4f_fhoAn3bI)"

Here, posts are named


and yield


having yaml fields like

title: "Confusion matrix statistics on late talker diagnoses"
description: "Posterior predictive values and the like."
author: "TJ Mahr"
date: "2015-10-06"
  - r
  - caret
# preview image
image: "image.jpg"

So to migrate a post, I need to map:

  • path [date]-[slug-name].Rmd -> path posts/[slug-name]/index.qmd
  • yaml excerpt -> yaml description
  • yaml tags -> yaml categories
  • date in slug -> yaml date
  • ??? preview image ???
  • ??? header image stuff ???
  • ??? un-jekyllify contents ???

❌ Putting my author name in _quarto.yml set it as a default on all posts. Don't need worry about that.

No! Put it in _posts/_metadata.yml. Otherwise it appears on the main page!

Where to set my opts_chunk() defaults? https://quarto.org/docs/computations/r.html#knitr-options says where.

I had to set output-dir: docs in the _quarto.yml file to make it play nice with GitHub.


On my Jekyll, I had a file _footer.Rmd that was included in every document that did three things.

  1. Say when it was last knitted.
  2. Link to the source on GitHub.
  3. Include the Session Info.

I can recreate some of this by using Quarto's features.

I get (1) by putting:

date-modified: "`r format(Sys.Date())`" 

in a post's yaml header.

I get the (2) by adding this to _posts/_metadata.yml

  source: repo

and setting

  repo-url: "https://github.com/tjmahr/quarto-blog"

includes the link in the post.