Common request, response, body, query, and param validation, transformation, and flow control middleware
npm install dat-middleware
requires the keys specified, and nexts a 400 error if one does not exist
var mw = require('dat-middleware');
var app = require('express')();
// requires that req.body.key1 and req.body.key2 are not undefined
app.use(mw.body('key1, key2').require());
// example error:
// 400 { message: body parameter "key1" is required }
requires the keys are strings (if they exist), and nexts a 400 error if one is not
requires the keys are numbers (if they exist), and nexts a 400 error if one is not
requires the keys are objects (if they exist), and nexts a 400 error if one is not
requires the keys are functions (if they exist), and nexts a 400 error if one is not
requires the keys are booleans (if they exist), and nexts a 400 error if one is not
requires the keys are arrays (if they exist), and nexts a 400 error if one is not
var mw = require('dat-middleware');
var app = require('express')();
// requires that req.body.key1 and req.body.key2 arrays *if they exist*
app.use(mw.body('key1, key2').array());
// example error:
// 400 { message: body parameter "key1" must be an array }
requires the keys are an instance of the specified class (if they exist), and nexts a 400 error if one is not
var mw = require('dat-middleware');
var app = require('express')();
// requires that req.body.key1 and req.body.key2 arrays *if they exist*
app.use(mw.body('key1, key2').instanceOf(Class));
// example error:
// 400 { message: body parameter "key1" must be an instance of Class }
requires the keys are an instance of the specified class (if they exist), and nexts a 400 error if one is not
var mw = require('dat-middleware');
var app = require('express')();
// requires that req.body.key1 and req.body.key2 match the regexp *if they exist*
app.use(mw.body('key1, key2').matches(/^hello/));
// example error:
// 400 { message: body parameter "key1" must match /^hello/ }
requires the keys pass the validation (if they exist), and nexts a 400 error if one is not dat-middleware uses spumko/boom for http errors (exported as mw.Boom)
var mw = require('dat-middleware');
var app = require('express')();
function is24Chars (val) {
return (val.length !== 24) ?
mw.Boom.badRequest('is not 24 characters'):
null; // pass
// requires that req.body.key1 and req.body.key2 arrays *if they exist*
app.use(mw.body('key1, key2').validate(is24Chars));
// example error:
// 400 { message: body parameter "key1" is not 24 characters }
transforms the values of the keys specified using the transformation function
var mw = require('dat-middleware');
var app = require('express')();
function toInt (v) {
return parseInt(v);
// transforms the req.body.key1 and req.body.key2 to integers
app.use(mw.body('key1, key2').mapValues(toInt));
transforms the entire dataType object using the transformation function
var mw = require('dat-middleware');
var app = require('express')();
function valuesToInt (body) {
Object.keys(body).forEach(function (key) {
body[key] = parseInt(body[key]);
// transforms the req.body.key1 and req.body.key2 to integers
picks the keys specified and ignores the rest. a way of filtering data values by key.
var mw = require('dat-middleware');
var app = require('express')();
// a body of { key1: true, key2: true, key3:true } becomes { key1: true }
sets the keys and values on the data type.
var mw = require('dat-middleware');
var app = require('express')();
// a body of { foo: 1 } becomes { foo: 1, key: 'value' }
app.use(mw.body().set('key', 'value'));
// a body of { key1: true, key2: true, key3:true } becomes extended by obj
// a body of { key1: 2 } becomes { key1: 2, key2: 1.4142135623730951 }
app.use(mw.body().set('key2', 'key1', function (val) { return Math.sqrt(val); }))
deletes the keys on the data type.
var mw = require('dat-middleware');
var app = require('express')();
// a body of { key1: true, key2: true, key3:true } becomes { key3:true }
app.use(mw.body().unset('key1', 'key2'));
iterates through a series of middlewares (in parallel) for each item in an array
var mw = require('dat-middleware');
var app = require('express')();
// a body of { arr: [1,2,3] }
function (eachReq, res, next) {
// eachReq prototypically inherits from the original req
// (get gets from req, set only sets to eachReq)
function (item, req, eachReq, res, next) {
// if five arguments are accepted the current item and the origin req are passed
for more flow control checkout middleware-flow
var mw = require('dat-middleware');
var app = require('express')();
// requires that req.body.key1 and req.body.key2 exist and are 24 characters
app.use(mw.body('key1, key2').require()
.then(mw1) // executes mw1 if key1 and key2 exist
.else(mw2) // executes mw1 if key1 and key2 if they dont
// if mw2 accept an error it will recieve the validation error, else it will be ignored
note: conditionals do not chain before validations and transformations
var mw = require('dat-middleware');
var app = require('express')();
function hasLengthOf3 (val) {
return (val.length !== 3) ?
mw.Boom.badRequest('is not 3 characters'):
null; // pass
function toInt (v) {
return parseInt(v);
// requires that req.body.key1 and req.body.key2 exist and are 24 characters
app.use(mw.body('key1, key2').require().validate(hasLengthOf3).transform(toInt));