This is my submission for a coding exercise that I have completed as part of the 'Telstra Neurodiversity Program'. The basic objective is to create a REST API using Spring Boot (Java) or Node JS, with a MongoDB database.
I have decided to brand this as a demo project for Node JS APIs and release it publicly for my coding portfolio.
Create a simple REST API service in Spring Boot (or Node JS), store the data in JSON format in MongoDB and perform some simple data validations:
- Store the JSON request in MongoDB (refer to below incoming request sample using "id":"{{$randomInt}}") into an “incoming” collection.
- Validate the data types of the incoming JSON request. (string, boolean, integer)
- Build the following methods to manage the data and store the results in a MongoDB “outgoing” collection:
- Select the largest number from the array “numbersMeetNumbers”
- Find any duplicates in the string “findDuplicates”
- Remove whitespaces from “whiteSpacesGalore” without using replace()
- Store the results of the above methods in a MongoDB “outgoing” collection for a GET request
- Write a unit test for one of the above methods (positive and negative)
"findDuplicates": "HereWeHaveSomeDuplicatedCharacters",
"whiteSpacesGalore": "Can we replace all this white spaces without using replace please",
"validateMeOnlyIActuallyShouldBeABoolean": false,
"numbersMeetNumbers": [35,2,100,15,75,25,99]
- Node JS (Backend)
- Express (REST API library)
- MongoDB (Database)
- Mocha/Chai (Unit testing)
To run the API:
- Navigate to the 'api-service' folder.
- Run
npm install
- Then, run
node server
- View this file for endpoints.
To run the unit tests:
- Navigate to the 'unit-tests' folder.
- Run
npm install
- Then, run
npm test
- This command executes '/test/index.js'
This project has been licensed under MIT. I am branding this as a demo project that can be used as a basis for both personal and commercial projects.