
Befunge-98 interpreter with N-Dimensional Funge support and debugger written in C++.

Primary LanguageC++


Funge++ is Befunge interpreter originally written by Conlan Wesson in Java for a Programming Laguage Concepts course with minimal functionality. It has since been converted to C++, and an effort is underway to implement all Funge-98 instructions and support N-dimensional Funge.


The Funge++ executable funge uses the first file argument to load the funge program. The first character of the file is an instruction at (0,0). Each subsequent character is an instruction at X+1. Both carriage returns and line feed (as well as CRLF) are treated as Y+1 and reset X to zero. Form feeds in the file represent Z+1 and reset X and Y to zero. Carriage returns and line feeds following a form feed are ignored (i.e FF may be own its own line).

Higher Dimensions

Vertical Tabs in the file represent 4D+1 and reset X, Y, and Z to zero. Carriage returns and line feeds following a vertical tab are ignored. This is not part of the Funge-98 specification, but provides a simple way to create 4-dimensional funges.

Higher dimension funges can be loaded as BeQunge formatted files can be loaded as .beq files. Loading a .beq file implies -lNFUN.


funge [ARGS] file [YARGS]


-std=[un93|une98|be93|be98|tre98] Overrides the automatically detected dimensionality.

-fconcurrent -fno-concurrent Enable or disable use of split instruction t.

-fexecute -fno-execute Enable or disable use of execute instruction =.

-ffilesystem -fno-filesystem Enable or disable use of filesystem instructions i and o.

-ftopo=[torus|lahey] Set the topology.

-fstrings=[multispace|sgml|c] Set the string mode.

-fcells=[char|int] Set the cell size.

-fthreads=[native|funge] Set the threading mode.

-l[fingerprint] Load fingerprint at start. This does not push the fingerprint ID to the stack.

-g Start in debugger mode.


Any arguments following the Befunge file are passed to the Befunge program. These arguments are available to the program using the y instruction.

Exit Code

funge sets the program exit code to the value popped by the quit instruction q if encountered. If funge fails to load the funge program, the exit code is set to an error. In any other case, the exit code is zero.


Native Threads

The split instruction t can use native threads rather than the tick mechanism described in the Funge-98 specification. This mode can be enabled with -fthreads=native.


The dimensionality (up to 4D) is determined automatically based on the file contents. This can be overriden with the -std argument. Higher dimensions can be determined automatically from BeQunge formatted files with or without the Dimensions directive.

Standard instructions which operate on vectors (g, p, x, ?), operate with vector lengths egual to the number of dimensions detected. This enables those instructions to function in a standardized way in higher-dimension funges. For example, in 4D mode, ? will change the delta to one of 8 possible directions, while x can move in all possible directions.

C-Style Strings

C-style strings can be enabled with -fstrings=c. In this mode, backslashes in strings are not pused to the stack, instead, it and the following character are interpretted as an escape sequence. This happens in one tick. In addition to special characters, this allows quotes and ANSI escape codes in strings.



The Funge-98 specification is inconsistent about the delta of the h and l instructions. Funge++ uses the definition in the program flow section, that is h is "delta <- (0,0,1)" and l is "delta <- (0,0,-1)". This makes it compatible with BeQunge and Rc/Funge-98.


Funge++ supports the following fingerprints. These can either be loaded at runtime by the '(' instruction, or by specifying the -l command line argument.

BASE I/O for numbers in other bases.

BITW Bitwise Operators.

BOOL Boolean Operators

CPLI Complex Integer Extension.

HRTI High Resolution Timer Interface.

MODE Standard Modes.

MODU Modulo Arithmetic Extension.

NFUN N-Dimensional Funge.

NULL Null Fingerprint.

ORTH Orthogonal Easement Library.

PERL Generic Interface to the Perl Language.

REFC Referenced Cells Extension.

ROMA Roman Numerals.

TERM Terminal extension.

TOYS Standard Toys.


The Funge++ debugger, known as defunge, can be run on any Befunge program by specifying the -g command line argument.


Defunge supports the follow commands. Vector arguments to commands are a comma separated list of coordinates inside parenthesis, starting with the X dimension: (x, y, z). As manya dimensions as necessary are allowed.

run Run the IP being debugged.

quit Stop running the program and exit the debugger.

step Execute the current instruction and break again.

peek c s Print element c from stack s. Stack 0 is the top stack, element 1 is the top of the stack. If c is 0, print the entire stack stack.

read v Print the cell at vector v.

get v Print field around the cell at vector v in the X and Y directions.

list n Display the field n cells in the X and Y directions from the current IP.

break v Add a breakpoint on the cell at vector v.

watch v Add a write watchpoint on the cell at vector v.

delta Print the delta of the current IP.

storage Print the storage offset of the current IP.

position Print the position of the current IP.

thread n Switch the debugger to the IP with ID n.

backtrace Print the backtrace of the current IP.

setdelta v Set the delta of the current IP to vector v.

setpos v Set the postion of the current IP to vector v.