
Dependency Processor - A lisp-like language that allows automatic parallelism compiled in a JIT environment

Primary LanguageC++


DEPP is a functional language in a lisp-like syntax that features automatic asynchrony. All function calls are cooperatively scheduled according the amount of available threads on the machine.

Concurrency is managed using the actor model found in several modern libraries and languages. The language follows the form of: (function dependencies dependencies) only when all dependencies have been resolved to literals will the function execute.

DEPP features three primary container types that help further define code execution and structure:

  • Vectors are defined using the syntax []. Each dependency in the container will be executed in a serial manner. E.g.
[(print 1) (print 2) (print 3)]

will always print in the order 1 2 3.

  • Lists are defined using traditional lisp parens (). Each dependency will spawn in a new actor and act independently of any other action occuring. E.g.
((print 1) (print 2) (print 3))

has no defined output and can occur in any order.

  • Maps are the sole method of storing object structure beyond lists or vectors. These are simple associative arrays between an identifier and either 1) another map container 2) a literal container or 3) an atom. The illustrative syntax is as follows:
(def example {id: 1, colors: '(green blue red)})
(# id example) ; Return the integer 1