
Generate config documentation from config metadata

Primary LanguageJava

Generate documentation from configuration metadata

Add to classpath of this module any module that you want to document (to pom.xml dependencies section)

Build and run

With JDK11+

The following parameters are expected:

  • module_name - name of a module, or * to process all modules on classpath (such as io.helidon.common.configurable)
  • target_directory - directory where modules will be generated, such as /projects/helidon/docs/shared/config
mvn package
java -jar target/helidon-config-metadata.jar $module_name $target_directory

This would generate the following (using the sample parameter values and with current Helidon code):

  • File io.helidon.common.configurable.LruCache.Builder.adoc
  • File io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource.adoc
  • File io.helidon.common.configurable.ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier.adoc
  • File io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier.adoc